Study Plans

This programme is either for weekday study or weekend study (2 years), and the courses are conducted in English.  Classes are normally scheduled from 9.00 to 16.00.

The applicants can choose either of the three study plans: Plan A (12 credit thesis) and Plan B (6 credit research), and Plan B (3 credit independent study).  Both plans consist of the following components:

Plan A (12 credit thesis)
Compulsory courses 21         Credits
Elective courses 6          Credits
Thesis 12         Credits
Total 39         Credits

Plan B (6 credit research)
Compulsory courses 21         Credits
Elective courses 12          Credits
Thesis 6          Credits
Total 39         Credits

Plan B (3 credit independent study)
Compulsory courses 21         Credits
Elective courses 15         Credits
Thesis 3          Credits
Total 39         Credits

King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi