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Sara Cotterall Narrative research

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 It functions as a

 It functions as a kaleidoscope, giving an assortment of viewpoints on learning and showing EFL through account examine. The target group comprises of experienced researchers and Animated Videos For Business furthermore understudies going to start their professions as scientists. The thought is to urge others to experiment with a portion of the hypothetical structures or story approach in their own particular settings of EFL or other outside dialects or by stretching out these to settings of second dialects.


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Richard Watson Todd
Ethics and confidentiality

Thanks for "Shar[ing] your experiences and insights (about things that go wrong too!) with other researchers".

I'm interested in your take on confidentiality. To me, consent can override the need for confidentiality, as long as the consent is genuine, clearly explained and discussed, and comes with the proviso that the participant is free to withdraw any part of their data (or completely withdraw) at any time they wish. Under these conditions, Emily would presumably not be a participant, but you would be able to be a lot freer and more open with the data.

In your case, if consent overrode confidentiality, you would also need consent from identifiable non-participants such as the supervisors, which could cause problems. This approach would make it far harder to recruit participants, but (hopefully barring withdrawals) much easier after that.


Any thoughts on this?