Cotutelle with Macquarie University

Cotutelle Agreement with Macquarie University

SoLA offers joint-degree study with Macquarie University, where collaborative research and jointly supervised research students are an effective means of academic cooperation between the Universities. The purpose of this cooperative Memorandum of Understanding for Cotutelle (MoU) is to enable research students of both universities to be awarded two degrees for a joint programme of research at both Macquarie University and King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi. The research students shall conform to the academic calendar year of the University in which the student first enrolls and fulfill the following requirements.

  1. The applicants should satisfy the entrance requirements of the two universities. The applicants should first be enrolled at KMUTT and through the normal application procedures be enrolled at Macquarie University. Eligible candidates are then entitled to apply to enter the Cotutelle programme. An agreement for joint doctoral supervision needs be approved and signed by supervisors and representatives of the two Universities. 
  2. Participants in the jointly supervised doctoral programme should normally spend 3 to 4 years to achieve all the requirements of the research programme in order to be awarded the degrees of PhD of King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi and then of Macquarie University. They will normally spend at least one year of study at Macquarie University in Australia.
  3. Students will be supervised by at least one supervisor from King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi and at least one supervisor from Macquarie University. Should supervisors leave their universities or otherwise cease supervision, alternative supervision will be arranged.
  4. Students will be required to complete the coursework requirements of both universities.
  5. The participants will provide their research thesis in English. The thesis will first be submitted for examination according to the established procedures at SoLA, KMUTT and the Graduate Studies Committee’s regulations. Publications in scholarly journals must be completed, as a graduation requirement. (For further information, please click here.) The thesis will then be submitted and examined according to the established procedures at Macquarie University and the Macquarie University Doctoral Degree Rules.
  6. When students are based at Macquarie University, they should continue to pay tuition 
fees to KMUTT. The student will receive a scholarship to cover tuition fees from Macquarie University while enrolled at Macquarie University for three academic years. Payment of these fees and any living allowance stipend will be subject to satisfactory academic progress and governed by the Conditions of Award of such a scholarship at Macquarie University. Macquarie University will also pay for one economy return airfare from Bangkok, Thailand to Australia.
  7. Each participant in this programme will be subject to the rules and regulations of the two universities during the period of his or her study.


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King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi