
The School of Liberal Arts, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi has offered an MA in Applied Linguistics in English Language Teaching for 24 years starting in 1983. Since 1999, another MA in Applied Linguistics specializing in Resource-based Learning has also been offered.

Both of the programmes have produced English language teachers to work in educational institutions at all levels. They have gain knowledge and learned how to utilize new technology to teach learners to cope with the changing world and to be autonomous learners. Up to now, the School of Liberal Arts has produced 180 graduates.

At present, there is a need to produce more personnel in the English language teaching field, capable of undertaking fundamental, advanced applied linguistic research. Therefore, the School of Liberal Arts intends to offer a doctoral degree programme in order to

  • serve the needs of the country in producing personnel who know how to teach English and conduct research in applied linguistics
  • produce graduates who have a profound understanding in applied linguistics and who understand learner-centredness so they can teach and conduct research effectively
  • produce PhD graduates who are able to conduct research and think systematically in order to develop and create new knowledge in this field
  • produce PhD graduates who are able to develop and solve problems in teaching effectively and are able to apply the new knowledge in their teaching situation.
  • produce PhD students who are able to produce personnel in this field

In order to make the curriculum more internationalised, the Department of Language Studies has both formal and informal links with many universities in Asia, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. This enables the PhD students to do research with an international co-supervisor, to take courses they are interested in and to do library searches in overseas universities so that they can produce research of a high enough standard to be published in the international refereed journals.

King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi