English Language Teaching (ELT)

This MA programme is designed to help teachers and potential teachers gain the understanding and skills necessary to continue their professional growth and to adapt to the changing demands of language teaching/learning in Thailand today. Consequently, since its start in 1984, the course is suitable for people interested in teaching and teachers working in ELT settings of tertiary, vocational and secondary levels.

Both weekday and weekend MA in ELT programme aims to:

  • prepare the participants to be effective teachers
  • improve the participants’ understanding of and practical ability in  classroom teaching
  • raise their level of professional skills as organizers and innovators, inside and outside the classroom
  • provide a practical understanding of the roles of linguistics & psychology in the teaching-learning process
  • provide training in the use of practical educational research techniques appropriate to the promotion of effective teaching and learning
  • give training in undertaking an extended practical project involving the application of the principles and techniques studied in the curriculum.
  • improve their English language and study skills

King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi