Undergraduate Courses

Course Description

Compulsory courses

1) Physical Education

GEN 101 Physical Education 1(0-2-2)

This course aims to study and practice sports for health, principles of exercise, care and prevention of athletic injuries, and nutrition and sports science, including basic skills in sports with rules and strategy from popular sports. Students can choose one of several sports provided, according to their own interest. This course will create good health, personality and sportsmanship in learners, as well as develop awareness of etiquette of playing, sport rules, fair play and being good spectators.

2) Intergrative Social Sciences

GEN 111 Man and Ethics of Living  3 (3-0-6)

This course studies the concept of living and working based on principles of religion, philosophy, and psychology by fostering students’ morality and ethics through the use of knowledge and integrative learning approaches. Students will be able to gain desirable characteristics such as faithfulness, social responsibility, respect of others, tolerance, acceptance of differences, self-discipline, respect for democracy, public awareness, and harmonious co-existence.

GEN 121 Learning and Problem Solving Skills 3 (3-0-6)

This course aims to equip students with the skills necessary for life-long learning. Students will learn how to generate positive thinking, manage knowledge and be familiar with learning processes through projects based on their interest. These include setting up learning targets; defining the problems; searching for information; distinguishing between data and fact; generating ideas, thinking creatively and laterally; modeling; evaluating; and presenting the project.

GEN 231 Miracle of Thinking 3 (3-0-6)

This course aims to define the description, principle, value, concept and nature of thinking to enable developing students to acquire the skills of systematic thinking, systems thinking, critical thinking and analytical thinking. The Six Thinking Hats concept is included. Moreover, idea connection/story line and writing are explored. Examples or case studies are used for problem solving through systematic thinking using the knowledge of science and technology, social science, management, and environment, etc.

GEN 241 Beauty of Life 3 (3-0-6)

This course aims to promote the understanding of the relationship between humans and aesthetics amidst the diversity of global culture. It is concerned with the perception, appreciation and expression of humans on aesthetics and value. Students are able to experience learning that stimulates an understanding of the beauty of life, artwork, music and literature, as well as the cultural and natural environments.

GEN 351 Modern Management and Leadership 3 (3-0-6)

This course examines the modern management concept including basic functions of management—planning, organizing, controlling, decision-making, communication, motivation, leadership, human resource management, management of information systems, social responsibility—and its application to particular circumstances.

3) Languages

3.1) Regular Programmes

LNG 101 General English 3 (3-0-6)

This course aims at developing thinking skills, self-access learning skills, the four language skills, and positive attitudes towards English. Learner-centeredness is emphasized in the teaching and learning approaches. The use of learning innovation and technology is integrated in learning English through a variety of contents and contexts to enhance communicative activities and learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. In terms of reading and grammar, the course aims to enable learners to read and analyze complex sentences, and be able to use appropriate reading strategies in understanding and extracting main ideas. In terms of writing, learners are expected to be able to write short messages, and effectively use a dictionary for writing. In terms of speaking, learners are expected to be able to accurately and appropriately participate in a short daily-life conversation, use simple classroom language, tell a story, and explain a simple situation. In terms of listening, they should be able to listen to short texts or short conversations, and use appropriate listening strategies.

LNG 102 English Skills and Strategies 3 (3-0-6)

This course aims at developing thinking skills, the four language skills, English skills, and strategies for language learning and autonomous learning. Teaching and learning are learner-centered. The use of learning innovation and technology is integrated into the course. Learners are involved in cooperative learning activities that require effective thinking, analytical skills, problem-solving, and information literacy skills. In terms of reading, the course aims to equip learners with appropriate strategies to read both for information and for pleasure, enable them to extract the main ideas of a passage, make a summary, and take notes from reading. In terms of writing, the course emphasizes process writing, paragraph writing, and an appropriate use of references, as well as writing tools such as a dictionary and a grammar book for effective self-editing. In terms of speaking, the course focuses on presentation skills and communication strategies to enable learners to exchange information, share ideas and express opinions. In terms of listening, the course aims at promoting listening strategies, listening at a paragraph level, listening for gist, and listening for specific information.

LNG 103 Academic English 3 (3-0-6)

This course aims at fostering the four language skills, thinking skills, academic English, strategies for English language learning, autonomous learning, and positive attitudes towards English and learning. The course is learner-centered, and learning innovation and technology are integrated into language learning. English is used as a learning tool to gain information and to do varieties of activities. In terms of reading, the course aims to enable learners to read academic texts, and to be able to summarize the main points, critically analyze the text, and express their opinions on the topics. In terms of writing, the course aims at essay writing and appropriate use of references and citation. In terms of listening and speaking, learners will listen to an English lecture and make a presentation. Learners will be able to ask and respond to questions, share ideas, and do impromptu speaking.

3.2) International Programmes

LNG 105 Academic English for International Students 3 (3-0-6)

The course aims at developing academic English skills necessary for learners in an international program. The learning and teaching involves the integration of the four language skills, thinking skills and autonomous learning. In terms of reading, the course focuses on academic reading, reading for main ideas, summarizing skills, critical reading and interpretation skills. In terms of writing, the emphasis is on process writing and academic writing to enable learners to effectively use the information gained from reading to support their statements, and to use appropriate citation to avoid plagiarism. Learners are also going to use dictionaries, grammar books, and appropriate information and communication technology to assist their writing. In terms of speaking, the focus is on impromptu situations, oral presentation, and the sharing and exchanging of ideas on issues related to the learners’ content areas. In terms of listening, the focus is on listening to English lectures and taking notes.

LNG 106 Academic Listening and Speaking 3 (3-0-6)

This course aims at developing academic listening and speaking skills necessary for learners in international programs. The teaching and learning styles involve an integration of English with content areas related to the learners’ fields. The course aims to enable learners to be able to listen to English lectures in their fields, ask and appropriately respond to questions, share ideas and express opinions, and read and summarize text. Learners will discuss and lead a discussion, make an effective oral presentation, and actively participate in the session.

LNG 107 Academic Reading and Writing 3 (3-0-6)

The course aims at developing academic reading and writing skills necessary for learners in international programs. The teaching and learning styles involve an integration of English into learners’ content areas to enable them to read academic articles in their chosen fields. Learners will be able to extract main points from the text, purposefully select required information to support their writing, write different forms of reports in their fields, use information obtained from reading and their own experiment in writing an essay, and effectively use references and citations throughout the writing process.

LNG 108 Content-based Language Learning 3 (3-0-6)

This course is content-based. It integrates a variety of skills—listening, speaking, reading, writing, thinking—and enables English language learning through content area learning. The teaching requires cooperation from both content area teachers and the English language teacher to design learning activities that are highly learner-centered and dynamic. The content depends on the interest and needs of learners, or the requirements of the learners’ academic departments.

Elective Courses

LNG 203 Basic German I 3 (3- 0- 6)

This course is an introductory German course for those with little or no background in the language.LNG 203 has two main gols: the first is to build a basic grammatical  foundation of  the German language to enable students to communicate in German; the second is to build good communication skills, which are essential for students to express themselves in simple German both orally and in writing. Achieving these goals requires regular practice with the language, both in and outside of the classroom.

LNG 204 Basic German II  3 (3-0-6)

This course is the continuation  of  LNG 203. The aim of this course is to further develop the basic skills of speaking, listening, writing and  reading learned in LNG 203 at a higher level. Some German grammatical structures and language patterns are added. Students will review and refine their understanding of grammatical structures and broaden their vocabulary . In addition, this course helps students be aware of  the appropriateness of using German in various situations.

LNG 211 Effective Listening  3-(3-0-6)

The aim of the course is to provide additional practice in English-language listening, in support of

students’ existing core discipline. The class concentrates on listening tips and strategies, with particular focus on note-taking skills. Emphasis is given to topics in the students’ core discipline and the use of realistic recordings of conversations and lectures in their field of study.

LNG 212 Oral Presentation Skills 3-(3-0-6)

The aim of the course is to reinforce knowledge of the basic elements of effective oral presentation. Importance of verbal and non-verbal communication will be highlighted throughout the course. Training on pronunciation, the use of transition signals and effective use of visual aids will also be focused. Self and peer assessment will also be encouraged to foster further improvement.

LNG 213 Laboratory Report Writing  3- (3-0-6)

The aim of the course is to reinforce knowledge of the basic elements of writing at the sentence, paragraph and essay level as well as to enable students to write a report in a format appropriate to their content-area courses e.g. a lab report. Grammar and organization will be combined with student practice at every step. In addition, the class will cover an introduction to summarizing and paraphrasing skills in order to reinforce students’ awareness of problems about plagiarism.

LNG 221 Oral Communication I 3 (3-0-6)

This course aims to help students feel more confident to communicate in everyday English.  It also places an emphasis on the appropriateness of using English in various situations. Students will get to improve their speaking skills through a variety of activities which include pair work, group work, role-plays, discussions, and interviews.  To also enhance thinking skills, student are encouraged to learn through problem-solving tasks, group discussions, and simulation.

LNG 222 Oral Communication II 3 (3-0-6)

This course offers extended practice in speaking, in situations that students may experience.  The situations include: conversations on prepared and unprepared (unplanned) topics; giving instructions; interviews; mini-lectures on technical subject; brief reports on technical problems; and group decision-making meetings.

LNG 241 Academic Writing I 3-(3-0-6)

This course is designed to teach paragraph writing and develop mature writing skills in the essay form through a variety of modes such as cause & effect, comparison & contrast, and making arguments, with emphasis on unity, balance, and coherence. In order to produce good essays, students will learn writing processes i.e. pre-writing, drafting, reviewing and editing. In addition, the course will enhance students’ ability to expand their vocabulary from reading so that they learn to apply and choose appropriate words when they write. Eventually, students will achieve the proficiency needed to present and support their own ideas while writing. Assessment involves writing assignments and students’ development of writing process.

LNG 291 Thai Skill I: Speaking 3 (3-0-6)

This course aims at equipping the students with strategies for communication and training them how to decode and encode messages, focusing on speaking skills and to send various verbal messages efficiently and effectively. Topics studied are as follows: cognitive and metacognitive skills applicable to speaking; speaking as an art; common oral errors e.g.[r],[l] after an initial consonant; appropriate use of varieties and registers, various types of speaking, e.g. topics initiated by learners, topics assigned by tutors, impromptu speech; discussion skills and formal presentations and speeches, especially for administrators.

LNG 292: Thai Skill II: Writing 3(3-0-6)

This course aims to develop the students’ writing abilities. The objectives are to equip the students with fundamental strategies for writing and to train them how to write for specific purposes, with a particular focus on academic writing. In applying these strategies to other fields, they will achieve efficient and effective writing. The topics studied are as follows: correct spelling of difficult words including loan words; how to select the word most appropriate for the context; how to write sentences logically and lucidly; how to convey ideas explicitly and expressively; various types of writing, e.g. projects, proposals, article writing on general topics, research reports, business letters and creative writing.

LNG 293 Thai for Communication and Careers 3(3-0-6)

The purpose of this course is to develop knowledge and skills for communication. The content of the course emphasizes the use of language for specific purposes, analysis and solving problems in communication. The course also emphasizes the accurate use of Thai language according to accurate grammatical features. The course integrates the four language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing. The activities aim to equip the students with the skills of reasoning, analyzing interpreting and summarizing of news, messages, conversations, and articles from different kinds of media. The activities also focus on effective and efficient communication for specific purposes, serving learners’ interest and applications according to their future careers.

LNG 351 Basic Chinese I 3 (3-0-6)

This course is an elementary course aiming to introduce a basic knowledge of Modern Mandarin. The topic covered are symbol pronunciation, which is composed of alphabets, vowels and tones- standardize Beijing pronunciation is used; Chinese alphabets, and methods or writing. Word components, easy vocabulary, structures and basic grammar are also studied. Although the course offers 4 skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, correct pronunciation of words is the main focus.

LNG 352 Basic Chinese II 3 (3-0-6)

This course builds on the symbols, pronunciation and structures concerned in Basic Chinese I. There is more focus vocabulary and patterns of structure, especially with reference to everyday conversation. Topics include asking for personal information, greetings and farewells, dates and time and others topics useful in everyday life.

Elective Prescribed Courses

GEN 211 The Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy 3 (3-0-6)

This course emphasizes the application of previous Thai economic development approaches, the problems and impacts of the development, the rationale for applying the concept of sufficiency economy to Thai society, the meaning and fundamental concept of the philosophy of sufficiency economy, and the application of this philosophy to lifestyles at individual, community, organization, and national levels. The study covers relevant case studies as well as the Royal Projects.

GEN 301 Holistic Health Development 3 (3-0-6)

The objective of this course is to develop students’ holistic knowledge on heath development for good life quality. The course emphasizes both physical and mental health care promotion, including composition of wellness; factors affecting health; integrated health care; nutrition; immunity strengthening; sanitation; competent reinforcement of physical activities to empower the smart personality and the smart mind, and to facilitate healthy and balanced emotional development; preventing and solving problems on mental health; practices in concentration, meditation and self-understanding; definition of wellness by WHO; and information on general health check up and physical fitness tests.

GEN 311 Ethics in Science-based Society 3 (3-0-6)

This course will explore a variety of ethical and social issues in science and technology. Students will study basic theories of ethics from the West and the East. They will learn how to apply these theories to contemporary cases. They will be asked to critically evaluate the role of the scientist in society, and to become aware of complex ethical issues facing scientists in different professions. Case studies will be used extensively throughout the course, with an emphasis on critical debate. The goal of the course is to enable each student to develop an understanding of conflicting opinions regarding science and technology, and to define and refine their own ethical code of conduct based on evaluation of arguments from differing viewpoints.

GEN 321 The History of Civilization 3 (3-0-6)

This subject covers the study of the origin and development of civilization during the five historical periods—prehistoric, ancient, middle age, modern, and the present period. The study will focus on significant social, economic and political events resulting from values and attitudes due to customs, beliefs and innovations, including the ability to communicate through art and literature based on several perspectives and periods.

GEN 331 Man and Reasoning 3 (3-0-6)

The purpose of this course is to develop analytical thinking skills and reasoning; deductive and inductive approaches; reasoning approaches of the East and the West; and, a case study of formal and informal reasoning of everyday life.

GEN 341 Thai Indigenous Knowledge 3 (3-0-6)

This is a study of indigenous knowledge in different regions of Thailand with a holistic approach, including analyses from scientific, technological, social science and anthropological perspectives. Students will learn how to appreciate the value of indigenous knowledge and recognize the ways in which such knowledge has been accumulated—lifelong learning of indigenous people and knowledge transfer between generations. Students will learn to become systematic, self-taught learners.

GEN 352 Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development 3 (3-0-6)

This course is the study of the definitions, concepts and roles of technology and innovation in the creation of wealth, and their impact on society and humanity. The course will explore the policies, strategies, and tools for synthesizing and developing technology and innovation for a wisdom-based society together with ethics in management. Students will study the exploitation and protection of intellectual property as a result of technology and innovation.

GEN 353 Managerial Psychology 3 (3-0-6)

This course focuses on the fundamental concepts of psychology and management of human behavior in an organization, including psychological factors and their effect on human working behavior such as attitude, communication, social influences and motivation. Moreover, it will incorporate organizational behavior modification, conflict management, and leadership and organizational effectiveness.

GEN 411 Personality Development and Public Speaking 3 (2-2-6)
This course aims at developing public speaking skills and personalities of students. The course will cover a diverse range of abilities and skills such as good manners, attire, social rules, communication psychology, and verbal and non-verbal languages. Students are expected to gain these useful skills, including giving reasons, discussion, negotiation, persuasion, presentation, and application of technology for communication.

GEN 421 Integrative Social Sciences 3 (3-0-6)

This course integrates four major contents in social sciences, i.e., society and culture, economics, politics and laws, and the environment. The course also covers interesting contemporary social issues, such as ethnic problems, resource distribution, political instability, and environmental deterioration.

GEN 441 Culture and Excursion 3 (2-2-6)

This course aims to encourage students to learn and understand culture and culture exchange on both local and international aspects. Students will comprehend the diversities of ways of life through excursion-based learning, and understand the key role of language used for communication and tourism management.ue

King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi