rEFLections is a refereed print-based English language journal published twice a year in February and July by the Department of Language Studies, School of Liberal Arts, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand. It is intended for teachers, students, researchers and anyone who is interested in research in applied linguistics and/or gets involved in English language teaching, especially in EFL context. Its aims are:
- to promote effective English language teaching and learning;
- to disseminate knowledge and ideas about the EFL context to professional teachers and researchers in the field;
- to promote and disseminate new directions in applied linguistics; and
- to provide novice researchers a venue for publishing their research related to language learning and teaching.
rEFLections welcomes all research and academic articles that deal with English language teaching and applied linguistics in areas such as second language acquisition, teaching methodology, materials development, course design and evaluation, self-access learning, learner strategies, CALL, and discourse analysis.
rEFLections consists of two main columns:
- Research and academic Articles (approx. 3,000-6,000 words excluding bibliography and appendices) focus on theory, research, and pedagogy related to English language teaching and learning.
- Book Reviews (approx. 500-1,000 words) includes only two categories: reference books and textbooks. If you are interested in reviewing a book, please contact the Editor.
All articles submitted should be double-spaced 12 point Time New Roman font with 1 inch margins on all sides. Manuscripts must be accompanied by a 50-word biographical statement, a 200-word abstract and a cover page in separate files. The cover page should include the author’s name, affiliation, address, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses. Authors should also follow the APA style for biographic references (the 5th Edition). All articles will be double-blind refereed, so all references to the author in the manuscript should be deleted.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically by e-mail as an attachment in Word format. Manuscripts including other attachments must be e-mailed to In the e-mail subject line, please type ‘rEFLections (Author’s name).’
All manuscripts submitted must be original work and must not be under consideration or published elsewhere. Authors must inform the Editor if the article is based on a paper presented at a conference.
Compensation for articles published in the rEFLections Journal will be two copies of the issue in which the article appears.
For July issue: 28 February
For February issue: 31 October
Sonthida Keyuravong, the rEFLections Journal Co-editor
Department of Language Studies
School of Liberal Arts, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
126 Pracha-Uthit Rd. Thungkru
Bangkok 10140, Thailand
Tel. (662) 470-8762