Charatdao Intratat

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Charatdao Intratat

Educational background
1996       Ph. D. (Linguistics)   Chulalongkorn University
1985       M.A. (Teaching English for Science and Technology)  Mahidol University
1974       B.A. (French) Hon.   Chiang Mai University

1990      Certificate in training course “New Approaches to the Teaching of Composition” (RELC, Singapore. 10 September-22 December 1990). Funded by SEAMEO.

1997      Certificate in training course “Developing Materials and Resources for Self-Access in English Language Learning” (The Bell Language School, Saffron Walden, England, 2-14 November 1997). Funded by British Council.

2001      Certificate in training course “From Teacher to Trainer” (The British Council in association with The A.S. Hornby Education Trust, Thai TESOL & ELTeCs East Asia at Jomtien, Thailand, 18-30 March 2001).

Published  English Articles

  1. Intratat, C. 2000. Evaluation of English Listening Proficiency of SALC Users at
    KMUTT, Thailand. PASAA: A Journal of Language Teaching and Learning
    in Thailand
    , Chulalongkorn University, Vol.30, pp. 39-50.
  2. Intratat, C. and Sojisirikul, S. 2001. Survey Task. Task-Based Learning and
    Curriculum Innovation: Proceedings
    . King Mongkut’s University of
    Technology Thonburi.  pp. 34-40.
  3. Intratat, C. 2001. The Self-Access Project. Task-Based Learning and Curriculum
    Innovation: Proceedings. King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi.
    pp. 79-82.
  4. Intratat, C. 2001.   Thai Errors in using English Adjectives. KMUTT Research
    and Development Journal Vol. 24 (2) pp. 117-130.
  5. Intratat, C. 2003.   Functional Analysis of Zero Anaphora in Thai. KMUTT
    Research and Development Journal Vol. 26 (4) pp. 383-397.
  6. Intratat, C. 2004.  Problems and Obstacles of KMUTT Lecturers in Conducting
    Research. KMUTT Research and Development Journal Vol. 27 (3) pp. 255-
  7. Intratat, C. 2004.    Evaluation of CALL Materials for EFL Students at KMUTT,
    Thailand.  KMUTT Research and Development Journal Vol. 27 (4) pp. 411-
  8. Intratat, C. 2005.    The Invisible Agent With Global Meaning: Thai Zero Anaphor
    Subjects. SEALS XV Papers from the 15th annual meeting of the Southeast
    Asian Linguistics Society. Electronic Publication E1 2005. Canberra: Pacific
    Linguistics. pp. 19-27.
  9. Intratat, C. 2005.    Cartoon in Need for EFL Teachers.  Proceedings of  International
    Conference on “Language and Communication and Culture: Dialogs and
    Contexts in Focus” on October 19-21, 2005. Thailand: NIDA. (in CD)
  10. Intratat, C. 2007.    Investigation on advantages and disadvantages in using English
    CALL according to the opinions of Thai university students and lecturers.
    KMUTT Research and Development Journal Vol. 30 (1) pp. 3-19.
  11. Intratat, C. 2007.   Zero Anaphor Subjects in Thai Sentences. KMUTT Researc
    and Development Journal Vol. 30 (3) pp. 394-405.
  12. Intratat, C. 2008.    Observation and Interpretation of Culture in English Advertising.
    KMUTT Research and Development Journal Vol. 31 (1) pp. 3-16.
  13. Sojisirikul, P. and Intratat, C. 2008.   Initial Step to Autonomous Learning: A Case
    Study from the Self-evaluation of KMUTT Students. KMUTT Research and
    Development Journal Vol. 31 (1) pp. 31-46.
  14. Intratat, C. 2009.     Development of Self- Access Computer Assisted Language
    Learning to improve English writing skills for Undergraduate Students at King
    Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi.  KMUTT Research and
    Development Journal
    Vol. 32 (4) pp. 424-434.
  15. Intratat, C. 2010.     Thai Style of Social Interaction: A Case Study of Collaborative
    English Learning at King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi.  In
    Proceedings of   International Conference on Language, Society, and
    Culture in Asian Contexts. Organized by Maharasarakham University and
    University of Hyderabud, India on 6-7 January, 2010. pp.  198 (CD)
  16. Vasuvat, S., and Intratat, C. 2010. Learner training for autonomous learning: A  voluntary use of one-to-one language counselling service at KMUTT Self-Access Learning Centre, Thailand,  Proceedings of   International Conference on Language, Society, and
    Culture in Asian Contexts. Maharasarakham University on 6-7 January, 2010. pp. 278 – 291 (CD).
  17. Intratat, C., Attractive factors for e-learners, Proceedings of the CELC Symposium 2010 Global Perspectives, Local Initiatives: Reflections & Practices in ELT, National University of Singapore, 26 – 28 May 2010, pp. 85 – 96.
  18. Intratat, C., Alternatives for Making Language Learning Games More Appealing for Self-Access Learning, SiSAL Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, September 2011, pp. 136-152. (Online on
  19. Pathak, A. and Intratat, C., Use of Semi-Structured Interviews to Investigate Teacher Perceptions of Student Collaboration, Malaysian Journal of ELT Research, Vol. 8 (1), 2012, pp. 1 – 10.  (Online on
  20. Yamkate, K. and Intratat, C., Using Video Recordings to Facilitate Student Development of Oral Presentation Skills, Language Education in Asia, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2012, 146 – 158. Online at

CALL Materials

  1. Describing Charts A Self-Access Writing Practice Package For Intermediate Level
    Learners (2001)
  2. Describing Tenses (2001)
  3. Consultations (2002)
  4. Resourcing (2002)
  5. Concordances      (2002)
  6. How to deal with Tenses Improved version (2004)  ISBN 974-9636-56-2
  7. Describing Charts Improved version (2004) ISBN 974-4565-43-8
  8. Tips for Using Adjectives (2005) ) ISBN 974-4566-22-1
  9. Tips in Writing a Good Paragraph (2007)
  10. Passive Voice Review I, II (2008)


  • Yamkate, K. and Intratat, C., Using video recordings to facilitate the students’ development of oral presentation skills, The 8th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching: Language and Development, 25 – 26 February 2012, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, p. 2.
  • Intratat, C., Popular Computer Games VS Language Learning Games, The 10th AsiaCALL International Conference “Mobility in Language Teaching and Learning Through Technology (AsiaCALL 2011), 9 – 11 February 2012, Srinakarinwirot University, Bangkok, p.19.
  • Pathak, A. and Intratat, C., Semi-Strutured Interviews: Patential and Challenges, The International Conference on Doing Research in Applied Linguistics, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, 21 – 22 April 2011, pp. 25 – 26.
  • Pathak, A. and Intratat, C., Student collaboration in writing projects: An intercultural investigation, CELC Symposium 2010 Global Perspectives, Local Initiatives: Reflections & Practices in ELT, National University of Singapore, 26 – 28 May 2010.
  • Intratat, C., Attractive factors for e-learners, CELC Symposium 2010 Global Perspectives, Local Initiatives: Reflections & Practices in ELT, National University of Singapore, 26 – 28 May 2010.
  • Intratat, C., Desirable Characteristics of a CALL material, The 7th AsiaCALL International Conference 2008, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, 21 – 23 November 2008, p. 40.
  • Intratat, C., Interactive materials for EFL students, The12th English in Southeast Asia Conference: Trends and Directions, Bangkok, 12 – 14 December 2007.

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King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi