Position: Expert
Department: Language
Educational background:
Year | Degree earned | Institution |
2000 | PhD (Applied Linguistics) | University of Glasgow |
1986 | MA (ESL) | University of Hawaii |
1971 | BSc (Economics) | University of London |
Professional experience:
Teaching English in Europe, the Middle East, Hawaii and several countries in East Asia, including Thailand since 2002; writing textbooks; conducting research; reviewing papers and editing a journal of language education; conducting teacher-training workshops
Research interests:
Reading strategies; issues in sociolinguistics, including community-based research into language use in rural areas
Harry Whitten Prize for Scholarly Excellence (1987); Distinguished Alumnus Award, Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawaii (2009); funding students’ scholarships, including the ‘Oi’hana Maika’i’ scholarship fund (co-funded with Susan Proctor) at the University of Hawaii
- 2009 Srimavin, W., Wall, U. and Hull, J., Training around the World: Taking it to the teachers – Part two: Meeting ‘needs and building on ‘expertise’, The Teacher Trainer, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 8 – 10.
- 2009 Taking it to the teachers, part one: bureaucracy and bumpy roads; part 2: meeting needs and building on expertise, Teacher Trainer.
- 2007 Second language reading behaviour among Taiwanese university students: a mentalistic investigation of breakpoints and strategies, Taiwan Journal of TESOL, Vol. 4, No. 1, 27-64 (co-authored).
- Using Diaries to Promote Reflection on Teaching, rEFlections, Vol. 10, January 2007, pp. 55 – 67.
- Boonmoh, A., Singhasiri, W. and Hull, J., Problems Using Electronic Dictionaries to Translate Thai Written Essays into English, rEFLections, 2006, vol. 8, pp. 8 – 21.
- DoHuy, L., Hull, J. and Tepsuriwong, S., Effects of Extensive Reading on Students’ Perceptions of Reading Ability and Use of Reading Strategies, rEFLections, 2006, vol. 8, pp. 52 – 61.
- Hull, J., Teaching speaking and Listening with scarce resources, English Language Teaching Practice in Asia: Editor’s Choice of Selected Papers from CamTESOL Conference Series, Phnom Penh, 2011, pp. 21 – 37.
- 1990 / 1998 / 2005 Interchange (three editions), textbook series (with students’ books, teachers’ editions, workbooks and peripherals), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Conference proceedings
- Buddharat, C., Keyaravong, S. and Hull, J., An Ethnographic Study of Communication and Language Use in Rural Thailand, (28 May 2012) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language and Communication “Interdisciplinary Discourses in Language and Communication” (ICLC), 15 – 16 December 2011, Bangkok, pp. 74 – 81.
- Hull, J., Teaching speaking and Listening with scarce resources, English Language Teaching Practice in Asia: Editor’s Choice of Selected Papers from CamTESOL Conference Series, Phnom Penh, 2011, pp. 21 – 37.
- Buddharat, C., Hull, J. and Keyurawong, S., Becoming an Ethnographer: A Personal Journey of an English Lecturer, CD Proceedings of the International Conference on Doing Research in Applied Linguistics, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, 21 – 22 April 2011, p. 1 – 10.
- Mongphet, S., Hull, J. and Singhasiri, W., Appropriateness of Vocabulary Chosen from Thai – English Electronic Dictionaries in Writing, 2009, Proceedings of the ASIALEX 2009 “Dictionaries in Education”, Bangkok, 20 – 22 August 2009, pp. 1 – 14 (P020).
- Wall, U., Hull, J. and Srimavin, W., Using English as an International Language in the Local Context, 2008, Proceedings of the 12th English in Southeast Asia Conference: Trends and Directions, pp. 103 – 117.
- Hull, J., Teaching speaking and Listening with scarce resources, 2008, Selected papers for 2005 CamTESOL conference, published Feb. 2008, pp. 26 – 35.
- Hull, J., Using communicative approaches in ESP courses in East Asia, 2007, Proceedings of the International Symposium on ESP and its Application in Nursing and Medical English Education, pp. 92 – 106.
- วิลักษณา ศรีมาวิน, Jonathan C. Hull และ Ursula Wall, Community-based research project, นิทรรศการในกลุ่ม “ผลงานเด่นใน 5 ทศวรรษที่ผ่านมา” เนื่องในโอกาสฉลอง 50 ปีแห่งการก่อตั้งมหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าธนบุรี, กรุงเทพฯ, 30 มีนาคม – 1 เมษายน 2553.
- Hull, J., Daring to Let Our Students Speak Authentically, The 30th Annual Thailand TESOL International Conference 2010 “ELT in the Next Decade: Sharing, Caring, and Daring”, 29 – 30 January 2010, Bangkok, p. 31.
- Wall, U., Hull, J. and Srimavin, W., Starting where rural students ‘are’, 4th CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching “Building Bridges to the World”, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 23 – 24 February 2008.
- Srimavin, W., Wall, U. and Hull, J., Do rural communities in Thailand really need English?, ThaiTESOL Conference. Khon Kaen, 24 – 26 January 2008.
- Wall, U., Hull, J. and Srimavin, W., Developing Thai EFL teachers’ Confidence and Competence through partnerships, ThaiTESOL Conference, Khon Kaen, 24 – 26 January 2008.
- Hull, J., Using communicative approaches in ESP courses in East Asia, International Symposium on ESP and its Application in Nursing and Medical English Education, Foo-yin University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 5 – 6 October 2007.
- Srimavin, W., Wall, U. and Hull, J., Using English as an international language in the local context, The 12th English in Southeast Asia Conference: Trend and Direction, KMUTT, Bangkok, 12 – 14 December 2007.
Contact details: 02 470 8762
Email: jonathan.hul@kmutt.ac.th