AUN-4 กลยุทธ์การเรียนและการสอน (Teaching and Learning Strategy)

AUN-1 AUN-2 AUN-3 AUN-4 AUN-5 AUN-6 AUN-7 AUN-8 AUN-9 AUN-10 AUN-11


     The educational philosophy is not well articulated. Most of the stakeholders know us from our research reputation. We may have to make it more explicit. But for the new students, the orientation covers PLOs and how the programme attempts to develop the students to research the PLOs.

    We are very careful about designing teaching process and activities. The teaching process includes discussion, presentation, and seminar (See Appendix 10_Programme report). Discussion is done both in class and online via a dedicated discussion board, (an example of a discussion is given in Appendix 11_ Samples of Discussion). The students are not very active in the discussion board. We have to find way to promote it. The students are encouraged to develop their critical skills through attending research discussion which is conducted every other month. The research discussion includes both the PhD students and the teaching staff and it is acted as a stage for them to share research they want to do and then the audience would discuss the feasibility of the research. Those who join the research discussion not only develop their critical skills, they also develop their research-mindedness. In addition, Research Clusters are established to help the students who do the research in the same area share the aspects they need more help from the group such as how to analyse the data.

    The students have to search for information by themselves. These skills are useful for life-long learning. In each course, the students are required to do small scale research as the main assignment. In this way, life-long learning skills are fostered throughout the programme.
