AUN-5 การประเมินผู้เรียน (Student Assessment)

AUN-1 AUN-2 AUN-3 AUN-4 AUN-5 AUN-6 AUN-7 AUN-8 AUN-9 AUN-10 AUN-11



5.1 The student assessment is constructively aligned to the achievement of the expected learning outcomes

          กลุ่มอาจารย์ผู้สอนในหลักสูตรมีการประชุมร่วมกันถึงการประเมินและวิเคราะห์ความสัมพันธ์ของการประเมินกับ learning outcomes ของรายวิชา ดังแสดงในตารางที่ 5.1

ตารางที่ 5.1  ผลลัพท์การเรียนรู้ของแต่ละรายวิชาและการประเมิน

Course Learning outcomes Assessment
LNG 500
Language and Study Skills
1. To be able to read and understand English academic texts in applied linguistics
2. To be able to develop critical thinking
3. To be able to take notes and write a summary
4. To be able to express their opinions and give supporting reasons
5. To be able to express their arguments in both written and spoken forms
6. To be able to write different types of reports namely reflections and annotated bibliography that are requirements for their study in the graduate program
7. To be able to make a presentation and to give discussion in English
- note-taking & summary writing   (1, 3)
– annotated bibliography + vocabulary (1, 6)
– argumentative essay     (2, 4, 5)
– group discussion (2, 4, 7)
– final project: ELT in ASEAN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7)
LNG 501
Introduction to Linguistics
LNG 501
After the end of the course, students are expected to be able to:
1. learn English language features,
2. identify English language elements,
3. analyze English language features and elements,
4. compare and contrast English language features with those of Thai,
5 apply the knowledge of English language features in teaching English as a Foreign language.
Assignment 1: Quizzes – 10% (1), (2), (3)
Assignment 2: Assignment – 30% (1), (2), (3)
Assignment 3: Reflections – 30% (2), (3), (4)
Assignment 4: Project – 20% (4), (5)
LNG 502
Linguistics and Descriptions to ELT
Learning Outcomes: Students are able to
1. explain main features of major linguistic descriptions.
2. illustrate influences of linguistic descriptions on language teaching
3. analyze strengths and weaknesses of each linguistic description and language learning methodology
4. critically evaluate implications and applications on language teaching
5. explain language phenomena and make judgment on what and how to teach
Assignment 1: Historical perspectives essay (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)
Assignment 2: Sociolinguistics (summary and reflect on papers) (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)
Assignment 3: Move analysis of an abstract and suggestion on how to write: (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)
Classwork: Presentation 1-ESP: (1), (2), (3), (4) Presentation 2 – CLT (3), (4), (5)
LNG 511
Principles of Teaching I
By the end of this course, participants will:
1.have sufficient understanding and knowledge of the principles of teaching to inform their own teaching.
2. be able to critically evaluate their own teaching performance and beliefs.
3. be aware of how the principles of teaching can be applied in practice.
Reflection report (1, 2)
Peer-teaching performance (1,2, 3)
Final exam (1, 3)
LNG 512
Principles of Teaching II

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
1. have a clear understanding of the purposes of and techniques for teaching writing and speaking,
2.develop lesson plans that involve students in an active learning environment
3.have the practical ability necessary to handle a range of core teaching techniques relating to the teaching of writing and speaking;
4. be fully prepared to undertake sustained teaching practice and be in a position to gain developmental benefits from this experience.
5. Read academic articles relating to the teaching of writing and Speaking and critically analyze their strengths and weaknesses as well as discuss how the ideas in the articles can be implemented in the students’ teaching situation
6. Reflect on the students’ own peer-teaching and micro-teaching as well as give feedback to peers on the peer-teaching and micro-teaching

Assignment 1: Group presentation (1), (5)
Assignment 2: Peer teaching (1), (2), (3), (4)
Assignment 3: Micro teaching (1), (2), (3), (4)
Assignment 4: Teaching reflection (6)
Assignment 5: Lesson 2 -Justifications (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)
LNG 521
Language Learning Theories
Learning Outcomes: Students are able to
1. explain learning, education, and learning contexts
2. explain major language learning theories and factors influencing language learning
3. analyze cognitive, affective and sociological factors related their own learning situations
4. illustrate applications of language learning theories in practice (e.g. design activities or lessons to promote active learning)
5. read and synthesize research in language learning
Assignment 1: (1)
Assignment 2: (2), (4)
Assignment 3: (3)
Classwork: Presentation -Learning theories 1 (2), (5) Memory exercise (3), (4), (5) Presentation – Affects (3), (4), (5)
LNG 531
Research Methods
After the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Understand some basic concepts of research and its methodologies
2. Describe processes in conducting research
3. Assess and critique a published research study
4. Design his/her own research methodology
5. Write a research proposal
6. Be aware of the ethical principles of research, and ethical issues
Research proposal (1,2,3,4,5,6)
Research criticism  – written assignment (1, 3,)
Designing research instruments (1, 4)
LNG 651
Material Evaluation and Adaptation

Learning Outcomes: Students are able to
1. explain features of different types of language syllabi and education ideologies underlying a course
2. perform a need analysis and a target situation analysis for a course design
3. illustrate applications of language learning theories and pedagogy in selecting a course book
4. evaluate and adapt teaching materials to suit the learning objectives and the target learners
5.  create a sample teaching materials that reflects the learning objectives and suits the target learners

Course project:
Phase 1: Need analysis (1), (2)
Phase 2: Material selection and adaptation (1), (3), (4)
Phase 3: Material design (1), (4), (5)
Learning reflection (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)
LNG 503
Classroom Language for Ts
 After the end of the course, students are expected to be able to:
1. know expressions they can use in each stage and activity in the language classroom.2. use the expressions appropriately and correctly in their language classroom.
3. create and manage classroom conversation and discussion in their classroom.
4. manage a language classroom using expressions learned in class.
5. introduce language and create a positive learning environment through language as communication in their classroom.
Assignment 1:Opening a class & Getting to know your students (1)Assignment 2: Video analysis (1), (4), (5)
Assignment 3: Teaching Demonstration (1), (2), (3), (4)
Assignment 4: Teacher’s self-reflection and self-improvement (5)
LNG 631
Testing and Evaluation
 LNG 631To complete this course, students must be able to:
1. define the key terms and apply correctly the key terms and concepts in testing and evaluation;
2. develop classroom language tests;
3. evaluate test quality;
4. improve poor test items;
5. evaluate the suitability of alternatives to testing; and
6. design effective alternatives to testing.
Attendance & ParticipationAssignment 1: Evaluating test quality (3)
Assignment 2: Improving poor M/C test items (4)
Assignment 3: Designing test (2), (6)
Assignment 4: Evaluating test suitability (5)
Final exam (1)
LNG 671
Info and Com Technology
Learners will be able to:
1. understand and apply learning theories of technological integration in language teaching and learning
2. analyze and evaluate electronic materials for language teaching and learning3. understand and analyze research related to technological integration in language teaching and learning
4. design and create language learning materials by using various technologies
Assignment 1: Analysis of
commercial software (1)Assignment 2: Designing a web-based task (1), (2)
Assignment 3: Use of authoring tools (1), (2)
Assignment 4: Research in call (3)
Assignment 5: Class project (1), (2), (3), (4)
LNG 681
Special Topics
To be able to understand and be aware of the current issues in ELT field. Written report Presentation
(Based on the teachers in each semester)
LNG 611
Teaching Techniques in practice
To be able to understand and apply the principles of teaching into practices 1. Reflection report
2. Teaching performance
LNG 691/692/693 To be able to conduct the research in the areas of applied linguistics and English language learning and teaching Research paper (3 credits)
Research project (6 credits)
Research thesis (12 credits)

5.2 The student assessments including timelines, methods, regulations, weight distribution, rubrics and grading are explicit and communicated to students

          ตัวอย่างจากรายวิชา LNG 511 Principles of Teaching ดังแสดงในข้อที่ 2.2 เป็นหลักฐานเชิงประจักษ์ของ course assessment ได้อย่างดี แต่นอกจากการแจ้งรายละเอียดวีการประเมินแล้ว อาจารย์ผู้สอนยังได้แจก rubrics วิธีการให้คะแนนในแต่ละส่วนอีกด้วย ดังตัวอย่างแสดง ดังต่อไปนี้

LNG 511 assessment
Peer-teaching assessment

A: Lesson plan (10%)

  1. Cover important element
    • Three teaching stages
    • Teaching and learning purposes
    • Activities (types, how to give instruction and explanation)
    • Learning process assessment (checking comprehension and monitoring)
    • Time
  2. Showing transition
  3. Appropriateness of each activity in each stage (having balance and good sequences)

B: Teaching performance (20%)

  1. The learners Marks to be based on learner interest and motivation                                           10                     =          learners show marked improvement in these areas
    8 – 9                  =          learners show some improvement or retain high initial motivation etc.
    6 -7               =          learners show no improvement or minor deterioration or retain low initial motivation etc.
    5 or less            =          learners show marked deterioration
  2. Teacher Language Marks to be based on accuracy, fluency and appropriateness of teacher’s spoken and written language (on whiteboard or in power point presentation).10                     =          flawless, appropriate language use
    8 – 9                  =          some mistakes, hesitations etc. but readily comprehensible
    6 -7                   =          mistakes, hesitations etc. which lead to unintelligibility at times
    5 or less            =          language frequently unintelligible
  3. Learning aims Marks to be based on appropriateness and clarity of learning aims, checking understanding etc.10                     =          learners aims appropriate and clear at all times
    8 – 9                  =          aims are normally appropriate and clear with teacher checking
    understanding well
    6 -7                   =          aims sometimes confused or obscure
    5 or less          =          inappropriateness of/ confusion over aims hinders learning
  4. Teaching strategies Marks to be based on teacher’s skill at eliciting, questioning, instructions, explanations, and etc.10                     =          participant shows excellent performance in using teaching  strategies
    8 – 9                  =          participant shows good performance in using teaching strategies
    6 -7                   =          participant shows fair performance in using teaching strategies
    5 or less            =          participant shows clear deterioration
  5. Classroom management Marks to be based on interaction, pair work/ group work, discipline and timing.10                     =          excellent use of interaction patterns and pair work/ group work, covert but clear discipline8 – 9               =          good, appropriate use of interaction patterns and pair work/Group work, adequate discipline6 -7                   =          some inappropriate interaction patterns and pair work/ Group work, occasional need for overt discipline, some timing problems5 or less          =          inappropriate interaction patterns, discipline breakdowns, erratic timing
  6. Materials and activities  Marks to be based on appropriateness, interest, variety and innovation in materials and activities used.10                     =          variety of interesting, appropriate, innovative activities
    8 – 9            =         interesting, appropriate activities but sometimes lacking variety and innovation
    6 -7                   =          activities sometimes inappropriate or uninteresting with little variety or innovation
    5 or less            =          boring, unsuitable activities are frequent
  7. Teacher persona Marks to be based on teacher personalities as a teacher (confidence, eye contact, eye span, voice, and pace of teaching)
    10                     =          excellent
    8 – 9                 =          good
    6 -7                   =          fair
    5 or less            =          need to be improved

C: Peer-Teaching report assessment (30%)

  1. Response to feedback (arguments towards peers + teachers’ feedback) Marks to be based on the participant’s openness to and understanding, at both surface and deeper levels, of feedback (from supervisors and peers), and on his/her responses to such feedback including offering of plans of action.
    10                     =          participant is open to, understands and responds appropriately to nearly all feedback
    8 – 9                  =          participant is open to feedback but occasionally fails to understand or respond appropriately
    6 -7                   =              participant is not always open to feedback and sometimes fails to understand or respond or respond appropriately
    5 or less            =          participant frequently ignores feedback
  2. Awareness of teaching Marks to be based on the participant’s awareness of what happens in the classroom, her own teaching and reasons and causes of any problems.
    10                     =          participant show very high awareness
    8 – 9                  =          participant show good awareness with few misinterpretations
    6 -7                   =          participant shows adequate awareness
    5 or less            =          participant is largely unaware of the classroom events and  his/her   teaching
  3. Efforts to implement change (future plan for better teaching) Marks to be based on the participant’s efforts to propose change and future plan to develop his/her teaching
    14 – 15              =          participant makes every reasonable effort to propose change and future plan
    12 – 13              =          participant makes some reasonable effort to propose change and future plan
    9 – 11                =          participant tries hard to propose change and future plan in most of the required areas
    8 or less            =          participant makes little or no effort to propose change and future plan
  4. Accuracy of the use of language = 5 %

5.3 Methods including assessment rubrics and marking schemes are used to ensure validity, reliability and fairness of student assessment

          เนื่องจากการเรียนการสอนในหลักสูตรเป็นไปในลักษณะแบบ team teaching ดังนั้นในการประเมินงานแต่ละชิ้น  จะมีกระบวนการการประเมินผู้เรียนเพื่อให้เกิด validity และ reliability ดังนี้ คือ

  • ถ้าในงานชิ้นดังกล่าวประเมินโดยผู้สอนคนเดียว เมื่อถึงเวลาตัดเกรดผู้สอนต้องอธิบายเหตุผลของการให้คะแนนกับอาจารย์ผู้สอนอีกท่าน หรือในทีมที่ร่วมสอน
  • ถ้าในงานชิ้นดังกล่าวประเมินโดยผู้สอนมากกว่าหนึ่งท่าน อาจารย์จะต่างคนต่างประเมินแล้วนำคะแนนมาหารเฉลี่ย และถ้าหากการให้คะแนนมีความแตกต่างกันมาก จะมีการซักถามถึงเหตุผล และตกลงร่วมกันว่าควรจะให้คะแนนเท่าไร
  • ในการประเมินผลการศึกษา คือ การตัดเกรด หากคะแนนมีความปกติมาก เช่นสูงไป หรือต่ำไป อาจารย์ผู้สอนต้องอธิบายเหตุผลในที่ประชุมคณะกรรมการบัณฑิตศึกษาของสายวิชา

5.4 Feedback of student assessment is timely and helps to improve learning
       อาจารย์ผู้สอนจะคืน assignments และ feedback เมื่อตรวจเสร็จแล้ว ในกรณีที่ต้องให้คำปรึกษาเพิ่มเติม อาจารย์จะนัดหมายนักศึกษาเข้าพบเพื่ออธิบายเพิ่มเติมจาก written feedback

 5.5 Students have ready access to appeal procedure
     เป็นไปตามกฎของมหาวิทยาลัย หากนักศึกษามีข้อสงสัยการประเมิน หรือการให้คะแนน นักศึกษาสามารถเขียนคำร้องแล้วยื่นต่อประธานสายวิชา