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1. Watson Todd, R., 2006, Continuing change after the innovation, System, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 1-14.
Type of subjects/data: Teachers
No. of subjects/data: 11
Instruments: Interview, Document
Method of analysis: Coding on two dimensions, Keyword identification (through corpus)
Other aspects: Reliability rating, Interview procedures
Research design:
Level of detail: High

Innovation, Task-based learning, Curriculum, Process of change

2. Lee, I., 1997, ESL learners' performance in error correction in writing: some implications for teaching, System, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 465-477.
Hong Kong
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 149
Instruments: Task/ activity
Method of analysis: ANOVA, t-test, mean, SD
Other aspects: Task design, Generalizibility
Research design:
Level of detail: Medium

Error correction, Writing

3. Kendrick, H., 1997, Keep them talking! A project for improving students' L2 pronunciation, System, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 545-560.
United Kingdom
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 8
Instruments: Observation, Test, Questionnaire, Group discussion, Document
Method of analysis: Content analysis, Correlation
Other aspects: Activity for pronunciation, Limitations of procedure of analysis, Reliability
Research design:
Level of detail: High


4. Kormos, J., Kontra, E.H., and Csolle, A., 2002, Language wants of English majors in a non-native context, System, Vol. 30, No. 4., pp. 517-542.
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 359
Instruments: Questionnaire
Method of analysis: Computer coding, ANOVA
Other aspects: Validity and reliability tests for questionniares,
Test-retest reliability analysis,
Designing curriculum and proficiency test
Research design:
Survey research
Level of detail: Medium

Needs-analysis, Higher education, Questionnaire design, Validation, Language functions, EFL, EAP, ESP

5. Mokhtari, K and Reichard, C., 2004, Investigating the strategic reading process of first and second language readers in two different cultural contexts, System, Vol. 32, No.3, pp. 379-394.
United States
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 350
Instruments: Questionnaire
Method of analysis: MANOVA
Other aspects: Internal reliability of the designed instrument
Research design:
Quasi-experimental research
Level of detail: High

Reading strategies, Metacognition, First and second language readers, Cognitive processes in reading, College students as readers

6. Jing, H., 2005, A Diary study of difficulties and constraints in EFL learning, System, Vol.33, No.4, pp.609-621.
Type of subjects/data: Diary
No. of subjects/data: 84
Instruments: Observation, Interview
Method of analysis: Content analysis
Other aspects: Process of categorization
Research design:
Qualitative research
Level of detail: Medium

EFL learning, Linguistic difficulties, Socio-psychological constraints, Quantitative/qualitative conceptions of learning, Quantitative/qualitative approaches to learning

7. Coniam, D., 2003, Perceptions of a multimedia syllabus-making the demands of a performance test more accessible, System, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 55-70.
Hong Kong
Type of subjects/data: Trainee ESL teachers
No. of subjects/data: 75
Instruments: Test, Questionnaire
Method of analysis: Paired t-tests,
Standard Deviation Unit (SDU)
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: High

English language, Multimedia, Syllabus, Assessment

8. Sumner, N., Furneaux, C., and Paran, A., 2004, Computer-mediated communication in distance MA programes: the student's perspective, System, Vol. 32, No.3., pp. 337-355.
United Kingdom
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 63
Instruments: Questionnaire, Interview
Method of analysis: Percentage
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Low

Computer-mediated communication, Internet, Distance learning, Post-graduate courses, TEFL

9. Bardovi-Harlig, K. and Griffin, R., 2005, L2 pragmatic awareness: Evidence from the ESL classroom, System, Vol.33, No.3, pp.401-415.
United States
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 43
Instruments: Task/ activity, Test
Method of analysis: Speech analysis: specch acts, semantic formulas, content, and form
Other aspects: Task design
Research design:
Qualitative research
Level of detail: Medium

Pragmatics, Speech acts, Language teaching, Language learning, Role play, Video-taped activities, Pragmatic awareness, Classroom language learning, Pragmatic activities

10. Ho, B., 2003, Time management of final year undergraduate English projects: supervisees' and the supervisor's coping strategies, System, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 231-245.
Hong Kong
Type of subjects/data: Students in teacher education program
No. of subjects/data: 4
Instruments: Journal/diary, Interview
Method of analysis: Analyzing diary data by using the methodological framework,
Identifying pattern by using the key concept techniques "key word analysis",
Transcribing tabulating and categorizing interview data.
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Low

Time management, Final year undergraduate English Projects, Supervisees' coping strategies, Supervisor's coping strategies

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