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361. Hayes, D., 2009, Non-native English-speaking teachers, context and English language teaching, System, Volume 37, Issue 1, pp.1-11 doi:10.1016/j.system.2008.06.001
Type of subjects/data: teacher
No. of subjects/data: 7
Instruments: Interview, Observation
Method of analysis: interview data were analysed in terms of classroom practice and commitment to teaching
Other aspects:
Research design:
Qualitative research
Level of detail: Low

Non-native English-speaking teachers (NNESTs); Teaching behaviour; Teacher professionalism

362. Watson Todd, R., and Pojanapunya, P., 2009, Implicit attitudes towards native and non-native speaker teachers, System, Volume 37, Issue 1, pp.23-33 doi:10.1016/j.system.2008.08.002
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 261
Instruments: Questionnaire, Test
Method of analysis: descriptive statistics, T-test, correlation
Other aspects: Implicit Association Test (
Research design:
Level of detail: High

Native speaker teacher; Non-native speaker teacher; Implicit attitude; Thailand; Implicit Association Test; Prejudice

363. Cotteralla, S. and Murray, G., 2009, Enhancing metacognitive knowledge: Structure, affordances and self, System, Volume 37, Issue 1, pp.34-45. doi:10.1016/j.system.2008.08.003
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 400
Instruments: Questionnaire, Document, Portfolio, Interview, Discussion
Method of analysis: - descriptive statistics
- t-test
- principal component analysis
Other aspects:
Research design:
Survey research
Level of detail: Low

Metacognitive knowledge; Identity; Affordances; Future self; Self-directed learning

364. Wang, J., Spencer, K., and Xing, M., 2009, Metacognitive beliefs and strategies in learning Chinese as a foreign language, System, Volume 37, Issue 1, pp.46-56. doi:10.1016/j.system.2008.05.001
United Kingdom
Type of subjects/data: Undergraduate students
No. of subjects/data: 45
Instruments: Questionnaire, Test
Method of analysis: - factor analysis
- correlation
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Low

Metacognitive knowledge; Metacognitive beliefs; Metacognitive strategies; Chinese as a foreign language; Chinese characters

365. Sakai, H. and Kikuchi, K., 2009, An analysis of demotivators in the EFL classroom, System, Volume 37, Issue 1, pp.57-69. doi:10.1016/j.system.2008.09.005
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 656
Instruments: Questionnaire
Method of analysis: - descriptive statistics
- factor analysis
Other aspects:
Research design:
Survey research
Level of detail: Low

Learning motivation; Individual differences; Language learning; English as a foreign language; Learner attitudes

366. Spada, N., Barkaoui, K., Peters, C., So, M., and Valeo, A., 2009, Developing a questionnaire to investigate second language learners’ preferences for two types of form-focused instruction, System, Volume 37, Issue 1, pp.70-81. doi:10.1016/j.system.2008.06.002
Type of subjects/data: expert, student
No. of subjects/data: 12, 314
Instruments: Questionnaire
Method of analysis: - examine the content validity of the isolated (ISO) and integrated (INT) constructs of the questionnaire: expert review
- assess the reliability of the integrated and isolated subscales: Cronbach's Alpha index
- assess construct-related validity: a principal components analysis (PCA)
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Medium

Form-focussed instruction; Grammar; Learners’ instructional preferences; Questionnaire development

367. Varnosfadrani, A.D. and Basturkmen, H., 2009, The effectiveness of implicit and explicit error correction on learners’ performance, System Volume 37, Issue 1, pp.82-98. doi:10.1016/j.system.2008.04.004
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 56
Instruments: Interview, Task/ activity, Test
Method of analysis: - the error correlation tests were coded as (1) implicit & explicit corrections, (2) developmental aspects
- descriptive statistics
- t-test, Wilcoxon Signed rank test
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: High

Second language learning; Error correction; Explicit; Implicit feedback

368. Fan, M., 2009, An exploratory study of collocational use by ESL students – A task based approach, System, Volume 37, Issue 1, pp.110-123. doi:10.1016/j.system.2008.06.004
Hong Kong
Type of subjects/data: essay
No. of subjects/data: 120
Instruments: Concordance
Method of analysis: - identifying the lexical words
- identifying collocations
Other aspects: Concordance program (ConcApp)
Research design:
Exploratory research
Level of detail: Low

Collocation; Collocational knowledge; ESL collocational competence; Native and non-native corpora; Corpus based study; Chunking

369. Simard, D., 2009, Differential effects of textual enhancement formats on intake, System, Volume 37, Issue 1, pp.124-135. doi:10.1016/j.system.2008.06.005
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 188
Instruments: Task/ activity, Test
Method of analysis: - ANOVA
- the Fisher LSD statistical procedure
Other aspects:
Research design:
Quasi-experimental research
Level of detail: Low

Textual enhancement; Intake; ESL

370. Akyel, A. and Erçetin, G., 2009, Hypermedia reading strategies employed by advanced learners of English, System, Volume 37, Issue 1, pp.136-152. doi:10.1016/j.system.2008.05.002
Type of subjects/data: Advanced learners
No. of subjects/data: 10
Instruments: Think aloud, Test, Interview
Method of analysis: - Think-aloud protocols were transcribed and divided into segments
- Data were analysed using the coding scheme: frequency & percentage
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Medium

Hypermedia; L2 reading strategies; Text recall; Prior knowledge

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