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21. Ramanathan, V., 2003, Written textual production and consumption (WTPC) in vernacular and English-medium settings in Gujarat, India, Journal of Second Language Writing, Vol.12, Issue 2, pp.125-150.
Type of subjects/data: Student, Teacher
No. of subjects/data: 21, 80
Instruments: Interview, Observation, Document
Method of analysis: Content analysis
Other aspects:
Research design:
Ethnographic research
Level of detail: Medium

WTPC, English-medium, Vernacular-medium

22. Kormos, J. and Denes, M., 2004, Exploring measures and perspections of fluency in the speech of second language learners, System, Vol. 32, No.2, pp. 145-164.
Type of subjects/data: Students, Teachers
No. of subjects/data: 16, 6
Instruments: Task/ activity, Audio-recordings
Method of analysis: - Analyse speech samples by using a computer program - Transciber
- D-formula
- Spearman rank-order correlations
- Mann-Whitney U-test
Other aspects: Judgement of the fluency
Research design:
Correlational research
Level of detail: High

Fluency, Measures of fluency

23. Hinger, B., 2006, The distribution of instructional time and its effect on group cohesion in the foreign language classroom: A comparison of intensive and standard format courses, System, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 97-118.
Type of subjects/data: Student, teacher
No. of subjects/data: 18, 1
Instruments: Group discussion, Observation
Method of analysis: - Content analysis of group members' verbal behaviour
- Frequency, percentage, chi-square test
Other aspects:
Research design:
Quasi-experimental research
Level of detail: High

Language learning, Second language acquisition, Foreign language classroom, Intensive course, Standard format courses

24. Schauer, G.A. and Adolphs, S., 2006, Expressions of gratitude in corpus and DCT data: Vocabulary, Formulaic sequences and pedagogy, System, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 119-134.
United Kingdom
Type of subjects/data: Students (British English native speakers), CANCODE Corpus
No. of subjects/data: 16
Instruments: Task/ activity, Questionnaire
Method of analysis: - Discourse Analysis
- Corpus analysis
- Comparative analysis of expressions of gratitude between DCT task and corpus data
Other aspects:
Research design:
Quasi-experimental research
Level of detail: Medium

Language patterns, Corpus linguistics, Data collection, Second language instruction, Language teaching methods, Lexicon

25. Graham, S., 2006, Listening comprehension, The learners' perspective, System, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 165-182.
United Kingdom
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 595
Instruments: Questionnaire, Interview
Method of analysis: Frequency, Percentage, Chi-square, Friedman two-way analysis of varience test, Wilcoxon signed-ranked test
Other aspects: Reliability
Research design:
Level of detail: High

Listening comprehension, Beliefs, Learner strategies, French as foreign language

26. Derwing, T., Thomson, R.I. and Munro, M.J., 2006, English pronunciation and fluency development in Mandarin and Slavic speakers, System, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 183-193.
Type of subjects/data: Mandarin and Slavic ESL students
No. of subjects/data: 40
Instruments: Task/ activity, Questionnaire
Method of analysis: ANOVA, Correlations, Mann-Whitney U test
Other aspects: Inter-rater reliability
Research design:
Level of detail: Medium

Pronunciation, Accent, Fluency, Second language instruction, Second language acquisition

27. Mori, S. and Gobel, P., 2006, Motivation and gender in the Japnese EFL classroom, System, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 194-210.
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 453
Instruments: Questionnaire
Method of analysis: Factor analysis, MANOVA
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Medium

Motivation, Gender, Expectancy-value theory, Individual differences, Second language acquisition

28. Farrell, T.S.C., 2006, The first year of language teaching: Imposing order, System, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 211-221.
Type of subjects/data: Teacher
No. of subjects/data: 1
Instruments: Journal/diary, Observation, Conference, Interview
Method of analysis: Transcribe, Code by inductive analysis
Other aspects: Triangulation
Research design:
Case study
Level of detail: Low

Language teaching education, Reflection, Story structure, First year language teaching

29. Tin, T.B., 2006, Investigating the nature of 'interest' reported by a group of postgraduate students in an MA in English language teacher education program, System, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 222-238.
New Zealand
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 16
Instruments: Checklist
Method of analysis: Responses coding
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Medium

Interest and learning, Situational interest, Individual interest, Topic interest, Motivation, Lectures, Language teacher education

30. Goker, S.D., 2006, Impact of peer coaching on self-efficacy and instructional skills in TEFL teacher education, System, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 239-254.
Type of subjects/data: Student teachers
No. of subjects/data: 32
Instruments: Conference
Method of analysis: Mean, SD
Other aspects: reliability
Research design:
Quasi-experimental research
Level of detail: High

Peer coaching, Instructional skills, Pre-service teacher education, Self-efficacy, Reflective EFL teachers, Teacher evaluation, Supervision

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