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591. Mueller, C.M. (2011). English learners’ knowledge of prepositions: Collocational knowledge or knowledge based on meaning?, System 39(4), 480-490. DOI: 10.1016/j.system.2011.10.012
United States
Type of subjects/data: students
No. of subjects/data: 90
Instruments: Test, Questionnaire
Method of analysis: collocational knowledge of the 3 groups of students on high-low-frequency items was examined
- descriptive statistics
- a repeated measures ANOVA
- partial eta squared (effect size)
- t-test
Other aspects: preposition test
Research design:
Quasi-experimental research
Level of detail: Medium

Collocation; Preposition; Usage-based; Semantics; Polysemy; Chunks; Formulaic sequences

592. Kasahara, K. (2011). The effect of known-and-unknown word combinations on intentional vocabulary learning, System 39(4), 491-499. DOI: 10.1016/j.system.2011.10.001
Type of subjects/data: students
No. of subjects/data: 66
Instruments: Task/ activity, Test
Method of analysis: tests were scored
- descriptive statistics
- a two-way ANOVA was conducted to examine whether there was any difference in retention of the target words between 2 groups of students
- a one-way ANOVA, post hoc test (Turkey HSD) were conducted between groups for the immediate and delayed tests
Other aspects:
Research design:
Quasi-experimental research
Level of detail: High

Vocabulary acquisition; Collocation; Intentional learning

593. Hamada, M. and Koda, K. (2011). Similarity and difference in learning L2 word-form, System 39(4), 500-509. DOI: 10.1016/j.system.2011.10.011
United States
Type of subjects/data: students
No. of subjects/data: 40
Instruments: Task/ activity
Method of analysis: sensitivity to phonological and graphic features of L2 words of learners with different L1 orthographic backgrounds was examined
- t-test
- Pearson partial correlation coefficient
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Low

Graphic word recognition; Orthography; L2 lexical memory; L1 transfer; L2 word-form learning; L2 vocabulary

594. Woodrow, L. (2011). College English writing affect: Self-efficacy and anxiety, System 39(4), 510-522. DOI: 10.1016/j.system.2011.10.017
Type of subjects/data: students
No. of subjects/data: 738
Instruments: Questionnaire
Method of analysis: - relationship between self-efficacy, anxiety, and writing performance was assessed
- structural equation modelling techniques: confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), chi-square, normed chi-squared, root-mean-square residual statistic (RMR)
Other aspects:
Research design:
Survey research
Level of detail: Medium

Foreign language anxiety; Self-efficacy; Writing; Chinese EFL learners

595. Coniam, D. (2011). Systematising System: One reviewer’s analysis of the review process, System 39(4), 539-553. DOI: 10.1016/j.system.2011.10.018
Hong Kong
Type of subjects/data: reviews
No. of subjects/data: 122 (93,000 words)
Method of analysis: relationship between Reviews quality and verdicts was investigated:
- descriptive analyses of the reviews: frequency, percentage
- inter-reviewer agreement: Pearson correlation, Kappa
- mean review length and manuscript length for the 3 verdict conditions
- excessive length of manuscript and verdicts
- methodology type
Other aspects: interpretations of correlation magnitude
Research design:
Level of detail: Low

Academic reviews; Small corpus; The journal System

596. Fordyce, K. (2014). The Differential Effects of Explicit and Implicit Instruction on EFL Learners’ Use of Epistemic Stance Applied Linguistics, 35(1), 6-28. doi:10.1093/applin/ams076
Type of subjects/data: students
No. of subjects/data: 81
Instruments: Written report/ paper, Test, Task/ activity
Method of analysis: epistemic stance used by learners was examined:
- a measure of individual use: epistemic type score (the number of different epistemic types that learner used)
- learner corpus analysis: keyword analysis
Other aspects:
Research design:
Quasi-experimental research
Level of detail: High

L2 pragmatics, epistemic stance, explicit instruction, implicit instruction

597. Sandhu, P. (2014) The Interactional and Narrative Construction of Normative and Resistant Discourses about Hindi and English Applied Linguistics, 35(1), 29-47. doi:10.1093/applin/ams075
United States
Type of subjects/data: Indian women
No. of subjects/data: 19
Instruments: Journal/diary, Interview
Method of analysis: conversation analysis
Other aspects:
Research design:
Discourse research
Level of detail: Low

hypothetical narrative, conversation analysis, societal discourse

598. Ko, S. (2014). The Nature of Multiple Responses to Teachers’ Questions Applied Linguistics, 35(1), 48-62. doi:10.1093/applin/amt005
More than one country
Type of subjects/data: adult learners, teachers
No. of subjects/data: 145, 14
Instruments: Audio-recordings, Video recordings
Method of analysis: conversation analysis
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Low

classroom language, talk-in-interaction, multiple responses

599. Littlemore, J., Krennmayr, T., Turner, J. and Turner, S. (2014). An Investigation into Metaphor Use at Different Levels of Second Language Writing, Applied Linguistics, 35 (2), 117-144. doi:10.1093/applin/amt004
United Kingdom
Type of subjects/data: essays
No. of subjects/data: 200
Method of analysis: - direct metaphors and implicit metaphors used in the essays were identified
- metaphoric density of the texts produced by different levels of learners was calculated
- a series of Mann-Whitney U-tests were established to examine whether there are many differences in metaphor use across different levels
- a serch for metaphor clusters was conducted using a time series analysis
- the percentage of errors that involved metaphor was calculated to asess the role of L1 influence
Other aspects: an adapted version of MIPVU Metaphor Identification procedure (Steen et al, 2010)
Research design:
Level of detail: High

Metaphor; Writing; CEFR; Open-class metaphorical items; Closed-class metaphorical items

600. Park, Y. (2014). The Roles of Third-Turn Repeats in Two L2 Classroom Interactional Contexts, Applied Linguistics, 35 (2), 145-167. doi:10.1093/applin/amt006
Korea (south)
Type of subjects/data: teachers, students
No. of subjects/data: N/A
Instruments: Video recordings, Observation, Task/ activity
Method of analysis: conversation analysis: repeats in meaning-and fluency contexts, repeats in form-and-accuracy contexts
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Low

conversation analysis; classroom interaction; repeats, repetition

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