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291. Chambers, A. and Bax, S., 2006, Making CALL work: Towards normalisation, System, Vol.34, No.4, pp.465-479.
United Kingdom
Type of subjects/data: teacher, stakeholder
No. of subjects/data: 18
Instruments: Observation, Document, Interview
Method of analysis: content analysis
Other aspects:
Research design:
Ethnographic research
Level of detail: Low

CALL, computers, language teaching, education, normalisation, integration

292. Cao, Y. and Philp, J., 2006, Interactional context and willingness to communicate: A comparison of behavior in whole class, group and dyadic interaction, System, Vol.34, No.4, pp.480-493.
New Zealand
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 10
Instruments: Observation, Interview, Questionnaire
Method of analysis: compare the willingness to communicate behavior (WTC) between the three classroom contexts: percentage, correlation, ANOVA, content analysis
Other aspects:
Research design:
Survey research
Level of detail: Medium

Second Language Learning, ESL learners, learner behavior

293. Alptekin, C., 2006, Cultural familiarity in inferential and literal comprehension in L2 reading, System, Vol.34, No.4, pp.494-508.
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 98
Instruments: Task/ activity, Text/ text book, Test
Method of analysis: t-test
Other aspects:
Research design:
Quasi-experimental research
Level of detail: Medium

Inferential comprehension, literal comprehension, Schemes, Nativization, Foreign language culture

294. Hyland, K. and Anan, E., 2006, Teachers' perceptions of error: The effects of first language and experience, System, Vol.34, No.4, pp.509-519.
Type of subjects/data: teacher, others
No. of subjects/data: 48
Instruments: Task/ activity, Questionnaire
Method of analysis: compare errors identified by native English Speaking EFL teachers, Japanese speaking EFL teachers and native English speaking non-teachers
Other aspects: types of errors
Research design:
Qualitative research
Level of detail: Low

error perception, feedback, writing style, grammar correction, language awareness

295. Johnson, K. and Jackson, S., 2006, Comparing language teaching and other-skill teaching: Has the language teacher anything to learn?, System, Vol.34, No.4, 532-546.
United Kingdom
Type of subjects/data: a singingteacher, a table tennis trainer, a flight pilot trainer
No. of subjects/data: 3
Instruments: Observation, Video recordings
Method of analysis: coding transcripts of the training sessions using Atlas.ti software based on 'grounded theory' (Strauss, 1987)
Other aspects:
Research design:
Exploratory research
Level of detail: High

skill teaching, language performance, Task-based teaching, Needs analysis, error correction

296. Philp, J., Oliver, R. and Mackey, A., 2006, The impact of planing time on children's task-based interactions, System, Vol.34, No.4, pp.547-565.
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 42
Instruments: Discussion, Observation, Task/ activity
Method of analysis: interaction, fluency, accuracy and complexity were coded according to the coding systems commonly used in the planing literature
Other aspects: - coding system
- reliability for coding of interaction
Research design:
Level of detail: High

second language learning, child language acquisition, English as a second language instruction

297. Ojima, M., 2006, Conept mapping as pre-task planning: A case study of three Japanese ESL writers, System, Vol.34, No.4, pp.566-585.
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 3
Instruments: Task/ activity, Questionnaire, Interview, Journal/diary
Method of analysis: - text analyses: learners' compositions were scored; accuracy, complexity and fluency were assessed
- process analyses: interview data, questionnaires, and logs were coded; learners' concept maps were compared
Other aspects: Hamp-Lyons'holistic measures for the analysis of the compositions' quality
Research design:
Case study
Level of detail: High

classroom techniques, concept mapping, planning, second language learning, writing instruction

298. Babii, E. and Moghaddam, M.J., 2006, On the interplay between test task difficulty and macro-level processing in the C-test, System, Vol.34, No.4, pp.586-600.
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 119
Instruments: Test, Verbal report
Method of analysis: - ANOVA
- Chi-square
Other aspects: - c-test design
- text characteristics
Research design:
Quasi-experimental research
Level of detail: Medium

The C-test, The reduced redundancy principle, verbal protocol analysis, Text difficulty, Syntactic complexity, Abstraction, Nominalization, Macro-level processing

299. Takimoto, M., 2006, The effects of explicit feedback and form-meaning processing on the development of pragmatic proficiency in consciousness-raising tasks, System, Vol.34, No.4, pp.601-614.
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 45
Instruments: Task/ activity, Test
Method of analysis: ANOVA
Other aspects: - test design
- reliability and validity test
Research design:
Quasi-experimental research
Level of detail: High

Input-based instruction, consciousness-raising task, reactive explicit feedback, pragmatic proficiency

300. Pinter, A., 2006, Verbal evidence of task related strategies: Child versus adult interactions, System, Vol.34, No.4, pp.615-630.
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 30
Instruments: Task/ activity
Method of analysis: verbal interaction were recorded and analyzed
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Low

Task, Task-related strategies, Children learning English, Awareness of task demands

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