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341. Lehtonen, T. and Karjalainen, S., 2008, University graduates’ workplace language needs as perceived by employers, System, Vol.36, No.3, pp.492-503. doi:10.1016/j.system.2008.01.003
Type of subjects/data: employee, employer
No. of subjects/data: 1190, 19
Instruments: Questionnaire, Interview
Method of analysis: interview data was analysed
Other aspects: interview questionnaire
Research design:
Survey research
Level of detail: Low

Workplace language needs; Plurilingualism; Cultural skills; University graduates’ language skills; Language centre teaching

342. Morrison, B., 2008, The role of the self-access centre in the tertiary language learning process, System, Vol.36, No.2, pp.123-140. doi:10.1016/j.system.2007.10.004
Hong Kong
Type of subjects/data: SAC stakeholder
No. of subjects/data: 16
Instruments: Interview, Questionnaire
Method of analysis: data were recorded, coded, and analysed
Other aspects: the interview protocol, NVivo, Grounded Theory
Research design:
Survey research
Level of detail: Medium

Self-access language learning; Self-access centre; Independent learning; Learner independence; Resource-based learning; Language learning; English language teaching; Self-directed learning; Learner-centred

343. Akbari, R. and Hosseini, K., 2008, Multiple intelligences and language learning strategies: Investigating possible relations, System, Vol.36, No.2, pp.141-155. doi:10.1016/j.system.2007.09.008
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 90
Instruments: Test, Questionnaire
Method of analysis: - descriptive statistics
- Pearson correlation
- Stepwise multiple regression
Other aspects:
Research design:
Correlational research
Level of detail: Low

Learning strategies; Intelligence; Multiple intelligences; Learner variables

344. Sert, N., 2008, The language of instruction dilemma in the Turkish context, System, Vol.36, No.2, pp.156-171. doi:10.1016/j.system.2007.11.006
Type of subjects/data: Student, teacher
No. of subjects/data: 527, 87
Instruments: Questionnaire, Interview
Method of analysis: - ANOVA
- Cronbach's alpha
Other aspects:
Research design:
Case study
Level of detail: High

English medium instruction; ESL; ELT

345. Kaivanpanah, S. and Alavi, S.M., 2008, The role of linguistic knowledge in word-meaning inferencing, System, Vol.36, No.2, pp.172-195. doi:10.1016/j.system.2007.10.006
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 102
Instruments: Text/ text book, Test, Think aloud
Method of analysis: - descriptive statistics
- repeated measures ANOVA
Other aspects: the taxonomy of knowledge sources (Hasstrup, 1991)
Research design:
Level of detail: Low

Grammatical knowledge; Inferencing; Syntactic complexity; Think aloud; Extra-linguistic knowledge

346. Heift, T. and Rimrott, A., 2008, Learner responses to corrective feedback for spelling errors in CALL, System, Vol.36, No.2, pp.196-213. doi:10.1016/j.system.2007.09.007
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 28
Instruments: Test, CALL
Method of analysis: - descriptive statistics
Other aspects:
Research design:
Quantitative research
Level of detail: Low

Corrective feedback; Error correction; SLA; Spelling; German as a foreign language; Student–computer interaction; Spelling errors; CALL

347. Kang, D.-M., 2008, The classroom language use of a Korean elementary school EFL teacher: Another look at TETE, System, Vol.36, No.2, pp.214-226. doi:10.1016/j.system.2007.10.005
Korea (south)
Type of subjects/data: Student, teacher
No. of subjects/data: 38, 3
Instruments: Observation, Journal/diary, Interview
Method of analysis: - patterns in the teacher's language use were categorized
- functions and purposes of language use were identified
- interview data were analysed
Other aspects:
Research design:
Case study
Level of detail: Low

TETE (Teaching English through English); Non-native EFL teacher; EFL classroom; EFL student interest

348. Feryok, A., 2008, An Armenian English language teacher’s practical theory of communicative language teaching, System, Vol.36, No.2, pp.227-240. doi:10.1016/j.system.2007.09.004
Type of subjects/data: teacher
No. of subjects/data: 1
Instruments: Interview, Observation
Method of analysis: interview data were coded and analysed
Other aspects:
Research design:
Qualitative research
Level of detail: Medium

Teacher cognitions; Teacher beliefs; Language teaching; English language teaching; Communicative language teaching

349. Mischler III, J.J., 2008, Expressive phonology as evaluative comment in personal oral narrative: The play frame and language learning, System, Vol.36, No.2, pp.241-252 doi:10.1016/j.system.2007.09.005
United States
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 1
Instruments: Audio-recordings
Method of analysis: - audiotape was transcribe
- phonological features were coded
Other aspects: - Chafe's intonation unit: the basic unit of discourse structure
- phonological feature coding system
Research design:
Exploratory research
Level of detail: Medium

Oral language; Discourse; Personal narrative; Internal evaluation; Tellability; Expressive phonology; Laughter; Framing; Second language acquisition

350. Gorsuch, G. and Taguchi, E., 2008, Repeated reading for developing reading fluency and reading comprehension: The case of EFL learners in Vietnam, System, Vol.36, No.2, pp.253-278. doi:10.1016/j.system.2007.09.009
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 50
Instruments: Test, Text/ text book
Method of analysis: - reading fluency rated were calculated and compared
- mean score for the tests were computed and compared
- descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA
Other aspects:
Research design:
Quasi-experimental research
Level of detail: High

Fluency; Word recognition; ESL/EFL reading

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