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71. Jackson, J., 2003, Case-based learning and reticence in a bilingual context: perceptions of business students in Hong Kong, System, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 457-469.
Hong Kong
Type of subjects/data: Business students
No. of subjects/data: 589
Instruments: Questionnaire, Interview, Observation
Method of analysis: mean, SD, Content analysis
Other aspects:
Research design:
Survey research
Level of detail: Low

Needs analysis, Business education, Case method, Discussion-based pedagogy, Chinese culture, Reticence, Learner behavior

72. Chiang, S., 2003, The importance of cohesive conditions to perceptions of writing quality at the early stages of foreign language learning, System, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 471 - 484.
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 60
Instruments: Task/ activity, Questionnaire
Method of analysis: Minitab statistical program: Regression analysis, Correlational analysis, t-test
Multi-faceted Rasch measurement techniques (FACETS)
Other aspects: The rating scale for coherence, cohesion, syntax and morphology evaluation
Research design:
Level of detail: Medium

Discourse competence, Coherence, Cohesion, Rating scale, Writng assessment

73. Carless, D.R., 2003, Factors in the implementation of task-based teaching in primary schools, System, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 485-500.
Hong Kong
Type of subjects/data: Primary school teachers
No. of subjects/data: 3
Instruments: Observation, Interview, Questionnaire
Method of analysis: Coding interview transcripts and observation summaries
Other aspects:
Research design:
Case study
Level of detail: Low

Curriculum implementation, Task-based teaching, Primary schools, Qualitative case studies

74. Wu, X., 2003, Intrinsic motivation and young language learners: the impact of the classroom environment, System, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 501-517.
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 72
Instruments: Observation, Interview, Questionnaire
Method of analysis: MANOVA, ANOVA
Other aspects: Teaching plan designed to promote learners motivation
Research design:
Quasi-experimental research
Level of detail: Medium

L2 intrinsic motivation, Perceived competence, Perceived autonomy, Classroom learning environment

75. Littlemore, J., 2003, The communicative effectiveness of different types of communication strategy, System, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 331-347.
United Kingdom
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 82
Instruments: Task/ activity
Method of analysis: Classifying strategies from transcripts, Correlations
Other aspects: Strategies classification criteria
Research design:
Level of detail: Low

Learning styles, Learning strategies, Communication strategies, Communcative effectiveness, Compensation strategies, Interactional strategies

76. Dreyer, C. and Nel, C., 2003, Teaching reading strategies and reading comprehension within a technology-enhanced learning environment, System, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 349-365.
South Africa
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 131
Instruments: Questionnaire, Test
Method of analysis: t-test, Cohen's effect size (d)
Other aspects: reliability of the tests
Research design:
Quasi-experimental research
Level of detail: Low

Reading, Strategies, Comprehension, Technology-enhanced, English Second Language, At-risk learners, Online learning, Strategy instruction, Reading instruction

77. Griffiths, C., 2003, Patterns of language learning strategy use, System, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 367-383.
New Zealand
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 348
Instruments: Questionnaire, Interview
Method of analysis: Frequencies, Pearson correlations, t-test, Regression analysis
Other aspects:
Research design:
Survey research
Level of detail: Low

Language, Learning, Strategy, Plus, Questionnaire, Individual, Interview, Patterns, Teach-ability, Strategy types

78. Shehadeh, A., 2003, Learner output, hypothesis testing, and internalizing linguistic knowledge, System, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 155-171.
Saudi Arabia
Type of subjects/data: Native and Non-native speakers of English
No. of subjects/data: 16
Instruments: Task/ activity
Method of analysis: transcribing audio-taped activity, marking linguistic features in the transcription, coding transcription
Other aspects: Hypothesis testing episodes
Research design:
Level of detail: Medium

Hypothesis formation and testing, Feedback, Negative evidence, Comprehensible output, Internalizing linguistic knowledge, Second language acquisition

79. Ozono, S. and Ito, H., 2003, Logical connectives as catalysts for interactive L2 reading, System, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 283-297.
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 60
Instruments: Test
Method of analysis: Scoring the test
Other aspects: Ways to select the reading test
Research design:
Level of detail: Medium

Logical connectives, Logical relations, Reading comprehension, Cognitive load

80. Chen, T., 2003, Reticence in class and on-line: two ESL students' experiences with communicative language teaching, System, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 259-281.
United States
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 2
Instruments: Observation, Interview, Online discussion
Method of analysis: Transcribing interview record,
Identifying themes,
Creating analytical diagrams: conceptual and chronological
Other aspects: Purposive sampling, prolonged engagement, and member checking techniques to ensured the rigor of research
Research design:
Case study
Level of detail: Medium

Asian students, Communicative language teaching, Culture, Emotions, Internet

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