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311. Küçük, F. and Walters, J., 2009, How good is your test, ELT Journal, Vol.63, No.4, pp.332-341.
Type of subjects/data: student, teacher
No. of subjects/data: 52, 29
Instruments: Questionnaire, Test
Method of analysis: - mean
- correlations (Spearman's rho)
Other aspects: - questionnaire to assess acheivement tests
- ways to evaluate the appropriateness of achievement tests
Research design:
Testing research
Level of detail: Low

test validity, test reliability, acheivement test, face validity

312. Gilmore, A., 2009, Using online corpora to develop students' writing skills, ELT Journal, Vol.63, No.4, pp.363-372.
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 45
Instruments: Written report/ paper, Corpus
Method of analysis: - error analysis
- percentages of students preference for the corpora
Other aspects: - advantages and disadvantages of feedback for written work
- BNC and COBUILD characteristics
- training materials used in the error correction task
Research design:
Exploratory research
Level of detail: Low

corpus, BNC, COBUILD Corpus, Collocations sampler, writing, error correction

313. González, J.A., Promoting student autonomy through the use of the European Language Portfolio, ELT Journal, Vol.63, No.4, pp.373-382.
Type of subjects/data: adult learner, teacher
No. of subjects/data: 98, N/A
Instruments: Questionnaire
Method of analysis: - percentage
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Low

portfolio, European Language Portfolio (ELP)

314. Bitchener, J. and Knoch, U., 2009, The value of a focused approach to written corrective feedback, ELT Journal, Vol.63, No.3, pp.204-211.
New Zealand
Type of subjects/data: student
No. of subjects/data: 52
Instruments: Test
Method of analysis: - descriptive statistics
Other aspects: procedures for giving the three types of written corrective feedback
Research design:
Quasi-experimental research
Level of detail: Medium

feedback, error

315. Farrell, T. S. C. , 2009, Critical reflection in a TESL course: mapping conceptual change, ELT Journal, Vol.63, No.3, pp.221-229.
Type of subjects/data: MA student
No. of subjects/data: 7
Instruments: Task/ activity, Journal/diary, Discussion, Interview
Method of analysis: - analyze concept maps using keyword method
- frequency
Other aspects:
Research design:
Qualitative research
Level of detail: Medium

TESL, concept map, reflection

316. Prapaisit de Segovia, L. and Hardison, D. M., 2009, Implementing education reform: EFL teachers’ perspectives, ELT Journal, Vol.63, No.2, pp.154-162.
Type of subjects/data: supervisor, teacher
No. of subjects/data: 4, 3
Instruments: Observation, Interview
Method of analysis: content analysis
Other aspects: subject selection
Research design:
Survey research
Level of detail: Low

education reform, policy, Ministry of Education (MoE)

317. Scheffler, P., 2009, Rule difficulty and the usefulness of instruction, ELT Journal, Vol.63, No.1, pp.5-12.
Type of subjects/data: adult learner
No. of subjects/data: 100
Instruments: Questionnaire
Method of analysis: - mean score
- Wilcoxon matched pairs signed ranks test
Other aspects:
Research design:
Quantitative research
Level of detail: Low

instruction, grammar

318. Lee, I., 2009, Ten mismatches between teachers' beliefs and written feedback practice, ELT Journal, Vol.63, No.1, pp.13-22.
Hong Kong
Type of subjects/data: teacher, text
No. of subjects/data: 232, 174
Instruments: Text/ text book, Interview, Questionnaire
Method of analysis: - written feedback analysis: identification, categorization, counting of feedback points
- descriptive statistical analysis
- content analysis
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Medium

teachers' beliefs, written feedback, error correction

319. Allan, R., 2009, Can a graded reader corpus provide ‘authentic’ input?, ELT Journal, Vol.63, No.1, pp.23-32.
Type of subjects/data: Graded reader corpus
No. of subjects/data: 2
Instruments: Corpus
Method of analysis: - compare lexical chunks in graded copora and the BNC
- examine word frequency, type, and composition
Other aspects: - Wordsmith Tools
Research design:
Level of detail: Low

graded reader texts, corpus, data-driven learning (DDL), authenticity

320. Hirano, E., 2009, Learning difficulty and learner identity: a symbiotic relationship, ELT Journal, Vol.63, No.1, 33-41 doi:10.1093/elt/ccn021
Type of subjects/data: adult learner, teacher
No. of subjects/data: 1, 1
Instruments: Interview, Journal/diary
Method of analysis:
Other aspects:
Research design:
Ethnographic research
Level of detail: Low

learning difficulty, identity

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