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161. Bada, E., 2006, Pausing, proceding and following 'that' in English, ELT Journal, Vol.60/2, pp.125-132.
Location: |
Turkey |
Type of subjects/data: |
Native and non-native speakers of English |
No. of subjects/data: |
11 and 143 |
Instruments: |
Task/ activity |
Method of analysis: |
- Transfer participants' recordings to GoldWave
- Measure the length of pauses proceding and following the 'that' complementizer in second
- Fed the measurements into the SPSS for the calculation of means and mean comparisons |
Other aspects: |
Research design: |
Level of detail: |
Medium |
Reading and speaking, Chunks, Pause, Native and non-native speakers of English 162. Walsh, S., 2006, Talking the talk of the TESOL classroom, ELT Journal, Vol.60/2, pp.133-141.
Location: |
Ireland |
Type of subjects/data: |
Tutors (Teachers) |
No. of subjects/data: |
8 |
Instruments: |
Interview, Audio-recordings |
Method of analysis: |
- Analyze audio-recordings of the class to assess the relationship between language use and pedagogic purpose
- Prepare the self-evaluation of teacher talk (SETT)
- Identify models of language use and transcribe the recordings |
Other aspects: |
Research design: |
Level of detail: |
Medium |
Classroom discourse, Teacher talk 163. Clifton, J., 2006, Facilitator talk, ELT Journal, Vol.60/2, pp.142-150.
Location: |
France |
Type of subjects/data: |
Corpus of naturally occuring classroom talk |
No. of subjects/data: |
1 |
Instruments: |
Method of analysis: |
- Transcribe classroom audio-recordings
- Discourse analysis |
Other aspects: |
Research design: |
Level of detail: |
Low |
Facilitator talk, IRF, Interaction 164. McGrath, I., 2006, Teachers' and learners' images for coursebooks, ELT Journal, Vol.60/2, pp.171-180.
Location: |
Hong Kong |
Type of subjects/data: |
Metaphors and semiles (images) |
No. of subjects/data: |
N/A |
Instruments: |
Interview, Questionnaire |
Method of analysis: |
- Group the metaphors appearing to be semantically related
- Devise categories
- Compare teacher and learner images |
Other aspects: |
Research design: |
Level of detail: |
Medium |
Images, Metaphors and similes, Coursebooks 165. Davies, A., 2006, What do learners really want from their EFL course?, ELT Journal, Vol.60/1, pp.3-12.
Location: |
Japan |
Type of subjects/data: |
Students |
No. of subjects/data: |
N/A |
Instruments: |
Questionnaire |
Method of analysis: |
- Convert questionniare results into percentage
- Group comments in the open-ended part into categories
- Synthesize the main points
- Identify possible constraints |
Other aspects: |
Questionniare items selection criteria |
Research design: |
Survey research |
Level of detail: |
Low |
Course-specific questionnaire, Learners' needs, Course design, Course development 166. Mynard, J. and Almarzouqi, I., 2006, Investigating peer tutoring, ELT Journal, Vol.60/1, pp.13-22.
Location: |
United Arab Emirates |
Type of subjects/data: |
Tutor, Tutee, Instructor |
No. of subjects/data: |
20, 34, 5 |
Instruments: |
Questionnaire, Interview |
Method of analysis: |
- Record quotations from the questionniare in categories
- Identify the key ideas |
Other aspects: |
Research design: |
Level of detail: |
Low |
Peer tutoring, Evaluation 167. Sugita, Y., 2006, The impact of teachers' comment types on students' revision, ELT Journal, Vol.60/1, pp.34-41.
Location: |
Japan |
Type of subjects/data: |
Students, Teachers, Teacher-researcher |
No. of subjects/data: |
71, 1, 1 |
Instruments: |
Essay |
Method of analysis: |
- The teacher and teacher-researcher read the 1st and 2nd draft of students' work seperately
- Two teachers consider the degree to which students utilize each between draft comment in revision (frequency counts and percentages)
- Two teachers discuss, compare and check whether the changes improved the paper (Cramer's V, Chi-square) |
Other aspects: |
- Feedback procedure
- Functions of content feedback: providing, describing and adding |
Research design: |
Level of detail: |
Medium |
Comment types, Students' revision, Teachers' feedback 168. Goh, C.C.M., 2000, A cognitive perspective on language learners' listening comprehension problems, System, Vol.25, No.1, pp.53-75.
Location: |
China |
Type of subjects/data: |
Learners |
No. of subjects/data: |
40 |
Instruments: |
Journal/diary, Interview, Verbal report |
Method of analysis: |
- Transcribe and code interview and verbal report data
- Categorize and tally diary data
- Re-examine the data
- Re-check by an independent coder |
Other aspects: |
Model of language comprehension |
Research design: |
Level of detail: |
Medium |
Listening comprehension problems, Language learning, Cognitive framework 169. Ibrahim, N. and Penfield, S., 2005, Dynamic diversity: new dimentions in mixed composition classes, ELT Journal, Vol.59/3, pp.217-225.
Location: |
United States |
Type of subjects/data: |
International students, American students |
No. of subjects/data: |
15, 10 |
Instruments: |
Journal/diary, Interview, Observation |
Method of analysis: |
- Transcribe class notes and video tapes
- Conduct content analysis |
Other aspects: |
Research design: |
Level of detail: |
Low |
Mixed composition class, ESL, Native English speakers, Class dynamics, Diversity 170. Norton, J., 2005, The paired format in the Cambridge Speaking Tests, ELT Journal, Vol.59/4, pp.287-297.
Location: |
United Kingdom |
Type of subjects/data: |
Test candidate and examiners |
No. of subjects/data: |
33, 10 |
Instruments: |
Test |
Method of analysis: |
- Transcribe interview data following the transcription conventions
- Analyze the effects of the paired format: linguistic performance, psychological and gender issues |
Other aspects: |
Transcription conventions |
Research design: |
Level of detail: |
Low |
Paired format, Speaking test |