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691. Grabowski, Ł. (2015). Keywords and lexical bundles within English pharmaceutical discourse: A corpus-driven description. English for Specific Purposes, 38, 23-33.
Location: |
Poland |
Type of subjects/data: |
corpus of English Pharmaceutical texts |
No. of subjects/data: |
2.23 mil.words |
Instruments: |
Method of analysis: |
- Keyword analysis
- 4-word lexical bundles within pharmaceutical texts |
Other aspects: |
Research design: |
Exploratory research |
Level of detail: |
High |
Corpus linguistics; Register variation; Pharmaceutical texts; Keywords; Lexical bundles 692. Webb, S., & Paribakht, T. S. (2015). What is the relationship between the lexical profile of test items and performance on a standardized English proficiency test?. English for Specific Purposes, 38, 34-43.
Location: |
Canada |
Type of subjects/data: |
CanTest |
No. of subjects/data: |
12 |
Instruments: |
Method of analysis: |
- lexical profiles were determined using RANGE and BNC word lists
- strength of association between word coverage at each of the word frequency bands for all the texts and the test scores was analysed using Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient |
Other aspects: |
Research design: |
Level of detail: |
Medium |
Lexical coverage; Lexical profile; Vocabulary size; Proficiency tests 693. Wilcox, K. C., & Jeffery, J. V. (2015). Adolescent English language learners' stances toward disciplinary writing. English for Specific Purposes, 38, 44-56.
Location: |
United States |
Type of subjects/data: |
students |
No. of subjects/data: |
26 |
Instruments: |
Interview, Written report/ paper |
Method of analysis: |
a micro-level discourse analysis approach: subject, context, object, stance, and attribution of a stance |
Other aspects: |
Research design: |
Discourse research |
Level of detail: |
High |
Discourse analysis; English language learners; Agency; Secondary education; Writing development 694. Mežek, Š., Pecorari, D., Shaw, P., Irvine, A., & Malmström, H. (2015). Learning subject-specific L2 terminology: The effect of medium and order of exposure. English for Specific Purposes, 38, 57-69.
Location: |
Sweden |
Type of subjects/data: |
students |
No. of subjects/data: |
130 |
Instruments: |
Text/ textbook, Task/ activity, Test |
Method of analysis: |
tests from different experimental conditions were scored and compared: descriptive statistics, ANOVA, t-test |
Other aspects: |
Research design: |
Experimental research |
Level of detail: |
High |
Bilingual learning; L2 terminology learning; Learning from L2 reading; Perception of learning; Student strategies; Parallel-language environment 695. Sheridan, C. L. (2015). National Journals and Centering Institutions: A historiography of an English language teaching journal in Taiwan. English for Specific Purposes, 38, 70-84.
Location: |
Taiwan |
Type of subjects/data: |
scholars, research articles |
No. of subjects/data: |
5, 384 |
Instruments: |
Document, Interview |
Method of analysis: |
journals' components and content and interview transcripts were analysed to gain understanding about journals' development and change |
Other aspects: |
historiography |
Research design: |
Narrative research |
Level of detail: |
High |
Scholarly publishing; Taiwan; Globalization of higher education; National journals; Historiography; Centering institutions 696. Handford, M., & Matous, P. (2015). Problem-solving discourse on an international construction site: Patterns and practices. English for Specific Purposes, 38, 85-98.
Location: |
Hong Kong |
Type of subjects/data: |
engineers and foremen |
No. of subjects/data: |
6, 2 |
Instruments: |
Observation/field notes, Interview, Audio-recordings, Video recordings |
Method of analysis: |
- interlocutors' communications (verbal and non-verbal interactions) and relationships were examined and classified into: general communication strategies, modes of communication for different purposes, relationship, education and training, perceived cultural difference and conflict, work routines, and the role of contract
- linguistic features, discursive practices and patterns used in problem solving discourse were identified |
Other aspects: |
Research design: |
Level of detail: |
High |
International construction industry; Problem solving; Professional discourse; Discursive practices; BELF 697. Lin, C. Y. (2015). Seminars and interactive lectures as a community of knowledge co-construction: The use of modifiers. English for Specific Purposes, 38, 99-108.
Location: |
Taiwan |
Type of subjects/data: |
Corpora (BASE, MICASE) |
No. of subjects/data: |
3 |
Instruments: |
Method of analysis: |
- frequencies of pragmatic force modifiers (PFMs) across 3 sub-corpora of seminars and lectures were compared
- functions of PFMs in seminars and lectures were examined |
Other aspects: |
Research design: |
Corpus-based research |
Level of detail: |
Medium |
Modifiers; Seminars; Lectures; Academic cultures; Generic norms 698. Bosher, S., & Stocker, J. (2015). Nurses' narratives on workplace English in Taiwan: Improving patient care and enhancing professionalism. English for Specific Purposes, 38, 109-120.
Location: |
Taiwan |
Type of subjects/data: |
written narratives on the use of English in the nursing workplace |
No. of subjects/data: |
19 |
Instruments: |
Essay |
Method of analysis: |
Content analysis (Atlas.ti Version 5.7.1) |
Other aspects: |
Research design: |
Case study |
Level of detail: |
Low |
English for Nursing Purposes (ENP); English as a Foreign Language; Nursing community of practice; Nursing workplace communication; Taiwan 699. Liu, J., & Han, L. (2015). A corpus-based environmental academic word list building and its validity test. English for Specific Purposes, 39, 1-11.
Location: |
China |
Type of subjects/data: |
a corpus of environmental science texts |
No. of subjects/data: |
200 |
Instruments: |
Method of analysis: |
- AWL coverage in the Environmental Science Corpus was examined
- the Environmental Academic Word List (EAWL) was created
- its word coverage in a general corpus was evaluated |
Other aspects: |
- validity test criteria of an academic word list
- word selection criteria for building an academic word list |
Research design: |
Corpus-based research |
Level of detail: |
High |
AWL; Word selection criteria; Validity test 700. Hu, G., & Cao, F. (2015). Disciplinary and paradigmatic influences on interactional metadiscourse in research articles. English for Specific Purposes, 39, 12-25.
Location: |
Singapore |
Type of subjects/data: |
method sections of research articles |
No. of subjects/data: |
120 |
Instruments: |
(Research articles) |
Method of analysis: |
- 5 main types of interactional metadiscoursal features in the method sections of RAs were coded
- disciplinary and paradicmatic effects on the occurences of the 5 types of features were compared by a series of two-way ANOVAs and Bonferroni post-hoc tests
- qualitative analysis of salient features and patterns of differences and similarities across the disciplines and the paradigms were conducted |
Other aspects: |
Research design: |
Corpus-based research |
Level of detail: |
High |
Applied linguistics; Education; Interactional metadiscourse; Psychology; Qualitative research; Quantitative research |