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701. Muñoz, V. L. (2015). The vocabulary of agriculture semi-popularization articles in English: A corpus-based study. English for Specific Purposes, 39, 26-44.
Type of subjects/data: agriculture semi-popularization articles
No. of subjects/data: 700
Method of analysis: - a lexical description of the corpus: vocabulary size, range, coverage of grammar words, general words, academic words
- the analysis of high-frequency words: classification of high frequency words
Other aspects:
Research design:
Corpus-based research
Level of detail: High

Semi-popularization article; Technical and non-technical vocabulary; Agriculture

702. Le, T. N. P., & Harrington, M. (2015). Phraseology used to comment on results in the Discussion section of applied linguistics quantitative research articles. English for Specific Purposes, 39, 45-61.
Type of subjects/data: discussion section of research articles
No. of subjects/data: 124
Method of analysis: - words and clusters characteristic of the discussion section were identified
- a list of keywords used in the discussion section was generated by using a corpus of all the main sections of RAs, excluding the discussion section as a reference corpus
- 3-8 word clusters built with keywords were identified
- the clusters were analysed in context to establish rhetorical moves and steps in which the clusters occurred
Other aspects:
Research design:
Discourse research
Level of detail: High

Genre-specific corpus; Corpus linguistic analysis; Research article Discussion section; Phraseology; Cluster; Academic writing

703. Gablasova, D. (2015). Learning technical words through L1 and L2: Completeness and accuracy of word meanings. English for Specific Purposes, 39, 62-74.
Slovak Republic
Type of subjects/data: students
No. of subjects/data: 72
Instruments: Task/ activity, Test, Audio-recordings
Method of analysis: - one group of students was asked to read texts and listen to their audiorecordings in L2 (Eng) and another group in L1 (Slovak)
- their knowledge of the L2 target words in texts were tested and compared in terms of the completeness of word meaning and the presence of errors in the definitions of the target words
Other aspects:
Research design:
Quasi-experimental research
Level of detail: High

Technical vocabulary; Vocabulary acquisition; Reading to learn; Bilingual education; L1 vs. L2 vocabulary learning

704. Taie, M. (2015). Critical thinking and discovering the meaning of unfamiliar terms through the word part analysis strategy: A study of Iranian medical students. English for Specific Purposes, 40, 1-10.
Type of subjects/data: medical students
No. of subjects/data: 88
Instruments: Test
Method of analysis: - participants took a critical thinking test, 2 multiple choice tests of familiar and unfamiliar terms
- relationship between critical thinking skills and ability to guess the meanings of familiar and unfamiliar terms were investigated by using Pearson correlations
Other aspects:
Research design:
Correlational research
Level of detail: Medium

Critical thinking; ESP; Medical terminology; Word part analysis strategy; Multiple choice test

705. Soler-Monreal, C. (2015). Announcing one's work in PhD theses in computer science: A comparison of Move 3 in literature reviews written in English L1, English L2 and Spanish L1. English for Specific Purposes, 40, 27-41.
United Kingdom
Type of subjects/data: thesis, supervisors, students
No. of subjects/data: 30, 12, 5
Instruments: Questionnaire
Method of analysis: - genre move analysis (3 major moves in literature review (LRs) chapters were identified)
- text segments in the LRs connected with the strategies for move 3 (occupying the research niche) were examined
- variation in the use of the rhetorical and linguistic features in English L1, English L2 and Spanish PhD LRs was described
Other aspects:
Research design:
Discourse research
Level of detail: High

PhD thesis; Computer science; Literature review; Rhetorical variation; Self-mention; Self-promotion

706. Maher, P. (2015). The role of ‘that’in managing averrals and attributions in post-graduate academic legal texts. English for Specific Purposes, 40, 42-56.
Type of subjects/data: assignments, theses (in laws)
No. of subjects/data: 100, 24
Method of analysis: - instances of averral and attribution were identified
- functions of theses instances were examined using concordance lines as data
Other aspects:
Research design:
Corpus-based research
Level of detail: Low

That clauses; Averral; Attribution; Legal English; Corpus analysis

707. Calvet-Terré, J. & Llurda, E. (2023). Ideologies and attitudes of Spanish pre-service teachers on ELF. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 91-116.
Type of subjects/data: MA students (pre-service teachers)
No. of subjects/data: 569
Instruments: Questionnaire
Method of analysis: General Linear Model (relationship between dependent and independent variables); Thematic analysis
Other aspects:
Research design:
Survey research
Level of detail: Medium

attitudes; ELF; ideology; practice; pre-service teachers; teacher education

708. Schaeffer‐Lacroix, E. (2021). Integrating corpus‐based audio description tasks into an intermediate‐level German course. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 31(2), 173-192.
Type of subjects/data: Students, Corpus
No. of subjects/data: 5
Instruments: Task/ activity
Method of analysis: Corpus-based analysis of the audio description corpus
Other aspects: The Audiodeskription corpus, available on Sketch Engine
Research design:
Corpus-based research
Level of detail: Low

audio description, corpus linguistics, foreign language teaching methodology, German, tasks

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