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171. Beckett, G.H. and Slater, T., 2005, The project framework: a tool for language, content, and skills integration, ELT Journal, Vol.59/2, pp.108-116.
Type of subjects/data: Student, Teacher
No. of subjects/data: 57, N/A
Instruments: Document, Written report
Method of analysis: - Analyze the syllabus, lesson plans, and peoject portfolios for content
- Analyze the reflection and interview data through constant comparison
- Look for emerging pattern and themes by counting, clustering, ordering and selecting representative pieces of data
- Compare cases and data sources and discuss with the second author
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Medium

Project-based instruction, The project framework, Tool

172. Nunes, A., 2004, Portfolios in the ESL classroom: disclosing an informed practice, ELT Journal, Vol.58/4, pp.327-335.
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 14
Instruments: Questionnaire, Portfolio
Method of analysis: - Perform content analysis
- Identify students' reflections
- Group reflections into four areas: syllabus, instruction, learning and assessment
Other aspects:
Research design:
Exploratory research
Level of detail: Medium

Portfolio, Students' reflections

173. Thaine, C., 2004, The assessment of second language teaching, ELT Journal, Vol.58/4, pp.336-345.
New Zealand
Type of subjects/data: Trainers of teacher training course (CELTA)
No. of subjects/data: 14
Instruments: Interview
Method of analysis: - Transcribe the trainers' interpretation of the course criteria
- See consistency of interpretation of each criteria
- Compare if the interpretation matches with course syllabus content
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Low

Assessment criteria, Consistency of criteria

174. Pani, S., 2004, Reading strategy instruction through mental modelling, ELT Journal, Vol.58/4, pp.355-362.
Type of subjects/data: Teacher trainees
No. of subjects/data: N/A
Instruments: Group discussion, Journal/diary
Method of analysis: - Transcribe the discussions, mental modelling and transcript of the trainees while doing the work
- Analyze the strategy use
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Low

Reading strategy, Mental modelling, Think aloud

175. Gilmore, A., 2004, A comparison of textbookand authentic interactions, ELT Journal, Vol.58/4, pp.363-374.
Type of subjects/data: The teaxtbook dialogues and Authentic dialogues
No. of subjects/data: 7, N/A
Method of analysis: - Analyze and compare the textbook dialogues and authentic data based on the discourse features
- Calculate the lexical density and frequency of target discourse features from two sources of data
- Compare the lexical density and frequency of target discourse features of the data from (a) recent publications, (b) authentic dialogues, (c) older publications to see if the textbooks are improved
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Medium

Discourse analysis, Discourse features, Authenticity

176. Mohamed, N., 2004, Consciousness-raising tasks: a learner perspective, ELT Journal, Vol.58/3, pp.228-237.
New Zealand
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 51
Instruments: Task/ activity, Questionnaire
Method of analysis: - Tally and score the responses to the questionnaire
- Perform mean score and t-test of the learners' responses in the two groups
- Categorize the responses to the open-ended questions according to meaning
Other aspects:
Research design:
Quasi-experimental research
Level of detail: Medium

Learners' attitudes, Grammar teaching, Deductive and inductive approaches, Consciousness-raising tasks, Task evaluation

177. Xiang, W., 2004, Encouraging self-monitoring in writing by Chinese students, ELT Journal, Vol.58/3, pp.238-246.
Type of subjects/data: Students
No. of subjects/data: 58
Instruments: Test, Task/ activity, Questionnaire, Interview
Method of analysis: - Tally and classify the students' annotations into 3 categories by 3 teachers
- Score pre-test and post-test compositions on 5 aspects: content, organization, vocabulary, grammar and mechanics
- Run t-test on pre-test scores to see if 2 groups of students are at the same proficiency level
- Run t-test on post-test scores of 2 groups of students
Other aspects: Reliability of analysis
Research design:
Quasi-experimental research
Level of detail: High

Self-monitoring, Writing

178. Tardy, C.M. and Snyder, B., 2004, That's why I do it: flow and EFL teachers' practices, ELT Journal 58/2, pp.118-128.
Type of subjects/data: Teacher
No. of subjects/data: 10
Instruments: Interview
Method of analysis: - Transcribe interview data
- Identify key patterns in the interview transcripts
- Chategorize the data into 5 characteristics of teachers' flow experiences
Other aspects:
Research design:
Exploratory research
Level of detail: Low

Flow, Teachers' flow experience

179. Sakui, K., 2004, Wearing two pairs of shoes: language teaching in Japan, ELT Journal, Vol.58/2, pp.155-163.
Type of subjects/data: Teacher
No. of subjects/data: 28
Instruments: Interview, Observation, Document
Method of analysis: - Transcribe interview data
- Analyze interview data, the data from observation and classroom artefects following grounded theory procedures to identify recurring and silent themes
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Low

Communicative Language Teaching, Form-based instruction

180. Kung, S.-C., 2004, Synchronous electronic discussions in an EFL reading class, ELT Journal, Vol.58/2, pp.164-173.
Type of subjects/data: Student
No. of subjects/data: 47
Instruments: Online discussion, Observation, Interview
Method of analysis: - Code the transcripts of the online discussions
- Identify the themes that occurred in the participants' interactions
- Analyze the main linguistic and interaction features
Other aspects:
Research design:
Level of detail: Medium

Synchronous electronic discussions, Chatroom, Computer-assisted discussions, Linguistic features, Interaction features, Internet

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